Page 24 of Amon

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This was for eternity.

Just when Sonny thought he was going to break down, the shower door opened and Amon stepped in. He didn’t say anything. Amon simply grabbed the cloth hanging there and began to wash Sonny’s back.

“I wasn’t ready for this,” Sonny admitted as he turned to face the vampire.

“I know.” Amon leaned Sonny’s head back and shampooed his hair. Sonny became lost in the sensations, groaning at how good it felt to have someone else wash him, until he remembered what had just happened.

“I’m scared.” Sonny turned back around, feeling so lost. He’d gotten caught up in the moment of having sex, throwing caution to the wind. Now he was mated. Fuck, he knew how to screw up his life. Only, this was Amon, who’d done nothing but show Sonny kindness and patience. The polar opposite of Bruce.

“I’m here for you,” Amon said as he rinsed out the shampoo. “Just tell me what you need.”

“I don’t know what I need.” Sonny allowed Amon to turn him, and then Amon washed Sonny’s chest and arms. He moved slowly, methodically, glancing up at Sonny every few seconds. That was when Sonny saw the worry in Amon’s pretty brown eyes. The guy was afraid of being rejected.

Sonny wanted to take that leap of faith, to trust Amon to never hurt him, but his past experience had left him jaded. He wasn’t sure he even knew how to trust anymore.

He yelped when Amon slapped his bare ass. “Have I told you how sexy you are?”

Heat suffused Sonny’s face as he smiled. “No.”

Amon trapped him against the shower wall. “So sexy you drive me crazy, sweetheart.”

Sonny could get used to this. He liked how flattering Amon was toward him. “I feel the same way.”

Amon cupped Sonny’s throat and tilted his head, nipping his earlobe. “You make my cock hard every time I think about you, mate.”

The guy’s blunt confession made Sonny’s toes curl. Amon kissed his lips. “Let’s take this one day at a time, okay? No expectations.”

Sonny sighed in relief. “That sounds great.”

He could handle taking this slowly. Slow was good.

“I really need to get back to work,” Sonny said, though he could spend the rest of the day with Amon. It was tempting. Very tempting. He loved how Amon made him feel, like he mattered, like he was special, and lord knew that Sonny needed that in his life.

They finished washing each other, and when they stepped out of the shower, Sonny stood there as Amon toweled him off. He liked being pampered. Who wouldn’t?

When Amon straightened, Sonny’s gaze went straight to the guy’s cock. His beautiful, long, thick cock. It was even impressive while soft.

“You keep paying me this much attention and I might not make it out of my room,” Sonny said.

Amon chuckled and kissed the top of Sonny’s head. “You can take a break from work any time you want, you know.”

Sonny smiled. “I know, but I want to do a good job.”

“You always do.”

Amon stepped back, allowing Sonny to get dressed. Once he was ready to go, Amon pulled him in close for a passionate kiss.

“I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll be here,” Amon said.

Sonny felt flutters in his stomach, and he couldn’t stop smiling as he walked out of his room. Then his brain cells started working again. Clearly Amon wasn’t thinking either. “Um, I think I need my shadow,” he said when he turned around.

He liked Isaak and hadn’t minded the vampire following him around, but Sonny had missed Amon. Just having Amon nearby always made Sonny feel safer in a house filled with vampires.

Amon had dressed in his suit, looking so dapper that Sonny could stare at him all day. “I’m right behind you, Sonny Bunny.”

Sonny narrowed his eyes. “I told you only my niece and nephew can call me that.”
