Page 3 of Amon

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Eleazar looked up from typing on the keyboard. “Was there something you needed?”

It was as if you had to be gorgeous in order to be a vampire. Eleazar was just as good-looking as the rest of the vampires in the house, but Eleazar had more of a mobster vibe to him. Eleazar had saved Sonny from Bruce and had also helped Sonny overcome his drug use.

Sonny had just gotten his ass handed to him by Bruce and had been on the streets to score when he’d run into Eleazar killing someone in a dark alley. Sonny had thought for sure he was dead, especially when he’d witnessed Eleazar yanking the heart out of the man’s chest.

Instead, Eleazar had taken Sonny home, given him a room, and forced Sonny to dry out. Sonny hadn’t heard from Bruce since. He’d been afraid of running into his former boyfriend on the streets since he ran a lot of errands, but so far, he hadn’t.

Which was why Sonny had been confused when Eleazar had hired Andrew. He thought for sure he was being replaced, but honestly, the guy had sucked as a human servant. Sonny had been relieved that Andrew hadn’t been his replacement and was happy Eleazar had found a good partner.

Mate. Vampires called their boyfriends mate for some reason that was never explained to him.

“I was wondering if it would be okay to have Saturday night off,” Sonny said. “My sister invited me over for dinner.”

Eleazar sat back and looked Sonny over. Even though Eleazar had been nothing but good to him, there were times when the guy intimated him. Eleazar just had that look about him. “Are you sure you’re ready to spend an evening out?”

Sonny looked over at Andrew then back at Eleazar. “I run errands during the day and haven’t even thought about…you know.”

“What is she cooking?” Andrew asked from the couch as he ate. “Can you bring me back a plate of whatever it is?”

“She isn’t the best cook,” Sonny whispered as if Amy would hear him. “I doubt you want anything she whips up.”

“Then why are you going?” Andrew looked genuinely confused.

“Because she’s my sister and I haven’t spent any time with her since I started here.” Sonny felt guilty about that, but he’d had to put himself first when kicking the habit. The first month hadn’t been pretty, and he’d substituted drugs with feeding vampires.

Now that he was clean, he’d kicked the vampire-feeding habit, too. Having a vampire feed from you was a high itself, and Sonny knew that if he was ever going to return to his old self—who he was before the drugs and Bruce—he needed to get high off of life, instead.

“Take Amon with you.” Eleazar held up a hand when Sonny started to protest. “We have many enemies, and it’s no secret you work for me. It’s for protection only, Sonny.”

That was the last person Sonny wanted tagging along. “Fine, I’ll take Amon.”

Eleazar went back to work, his way of dismissing Sonny. He wasn’t sure why he had to take Amon considering he ran errands during the day all by himself, but he knew life at night was different. A lot of Eleazar’s enemies could try to use him as leverage. Eleazar was an important man. Even Sonny knew that.

Sonny had never asked what Eleazar did for a living, so he really didn’t know, but the guy attended a lot of meetings outside the home and was always working on his laptop.

Maybe he really was a mobster.

Happy he was going to finally have a night off, Sonny smiled as he walked out of the office.

* * * *

It was just dinner with his sister and her family, so why on earth was Sonny standing in front of his mirror wondering if he should change for the fifth time? Or was it the sixth time? Flustered that he couldn’t even remember, he turned sideways and checked out his ass.

“These pants make it look flat.” With a grunt, Sonny changed again. When he glanced at the clock, he saw that he was out of time. If he didn’t leave now, he would spend the next hour trying to decide what to wear.

After grabbing his wallet and phone, he met Amon in the garage. Why on earth did the vampire have to look so damn good? He was a temptation Sonny was trying hard to resist, but when Amon was in casual clothes instead of his suit—which he always looked gorgeous in—he looked good enough to eat.

Or fuck. Okay, Sonny needed to stop thinking about sex whenever Amon was around. He needed to stop thinking about it when Amon wasn’t around too.

Amon had a head full of silky black hair and looked amazing in his dark pants and white shirts, but… Why was he wearing sunglasses at night? Only douchebags wore sunglasses at night. Maybe if Sonny looked at him that way, he wouldn’t be so attracted to him.

“I can drive.” Sonny held out his hand, wiggling his fingers.

“As your protection detail, I’m driving,” Amon said in a silky-smooth voice that always made Sonny want to jump the man’s bones.

“Protection detail?” Sonny scoffed. “More like babysitter. The only reason you’re even here is because Eleazar insisted I bring you along.”

He’d really wanted to go out on his own, not take Amon with him. What was the guy going to do, sit in the driveway the entire time? It wasn’t as if Sonny could invite him in. One, he didn’t want to explain to Amy and her husband who Amon was, and two, he didn’t want to explain why Amon wasn’t eating any food.
