Page 30 of Amon

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He’d pointed out five men. Stone hadn’t been messing around with Sonny’s safety. He’d even told Sonny which cars and trucks were following them, the ones containing his friends.

If Sonny didn’t think Amon would kill Stone, he would kiss the guy for taking his protection so seriously. Or maybe a quick hug, but Sonny knew Amon would flip his shit if he found out, and Sonny wouldn’t do that to his mate. His feelings for Amon had grown by leaps and bounds, and he would even go so far as to say he was in love with the vampire.

Sonny was just too chicken to confess his feelings to Amon.

When Sonny was done, Stone drove him back to the estate. He even helped Sonny carry everything into the kitchen. Despite the vampires’ feelings toward wolf shifters, Sonny really liked Stone.

“Food!” Andrew said when he walked into the kitchen.

Stone’s gaze went right to Andrew’s stomach, which was more than just a small bump now. The shifter looked at Sonny then back at Andrew.

“As you can tell, he loves to eat.” Sonny gave a small laugh, hoping Stone bought the lie.

Andrew turned, as if just noticing Stone standing there. “Been packing on the weight,” he said then moved to the island in the middle of the room, which hid his stomach.

“When do you need me again?” Stone asked, but his gaze never left Andrew.

“I’ll call you.” Sonny had gotten Stone’s phone number the last time he’d taken Sonny on his errands.

With a slow nod, Stone walked out of the back door.

Sonny looked at Andrew. “Do you think he believed us?”

Andrew was staring at the back door. “I don’t know. I hope he did, but if he didn’t, who would believe him anyway?”

In a preternatural world, lots of people just might believe Stone if he blabbed. “You should tell Eleazar what just happened.”

After Andrew rummaged through the grocery bags and snagged a big bag of chips, he nodded. “I’m on it.”

Chapter Eight

As soon as Andrew left the kitchen, Sonny decided to take a moment to himself. He walked into the hallway, closed the kitchen door, leaned his forehead against the wall, and took a deep breath in. The events of the past few days had taken a toll on him. He couldn’t believe that Slater had actually tried to kill him. It was a harsh reality check that made him realize that he was no longer safe in his own home.

Sonny closed his eyes and breathed out slowly, trying to calm his nerves. The darkness of the hallway helped a little, but his thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see Amon standing beside him, looking at him with concern.

“Are you okay?” Amon asked, his voice low and soothing.

Sonny nodded, but Amon didn’t seem to believe him. He placed his hand on the side of Sonny’s face and leaned in to kiss him gently. The kiss was soft at first but soon grew more intense as Amon’s tongue gently traced Sonny’s lips.

The feeling of Amon’s lips against his own made Sonny forget everything else that was happening around him. He wrapped his arms around Amon’s neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

When they finally pulled away from each other, Sonny’s lips felt swollen, and he was gasping for air. “I love you,” Sonny said, the words spilling out before he could stop them.

Amon’s eyes widened in surprise, but then a slow smile spread across his face. “I love you too,” he said, pulling Sonny into a tight embrace.

For the first time in days, Sonny felt safe, and he realized that was the missing piece he’d needed. His ex-boyfriend hadn’t even told him he loved him. Not once. Sonny hadn’t heard those words in a while. From a guy. His sisters didn’t count. He knew they loved him, but the love of a partner was different. Somehow more potent. More meaningful.

And definitely more intoxicating.

Amon’s smile was breathtaking. He looked as if Sonny had handed him the moon and the stars.

“Don’t let my declaration go to your head.” Sonny played it off for some reason.

“God forbid.” Amon pressed a hand over his heart. “I wouldn’t want to develop an ego.”

They were in the middle of what Sonny felt was a disaster, but he liked this banter, liked feeling as if they were in their own little world, even if only for a few minutes.

“I need to get back into the kitchen to put the groceries away.” Then Sonny remembered what had just happened with Stone, and he told Amon. “Do you think he’ll tell anyone?”
