Page 31 of Amon

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Amon looked like he was thinking it over. “I have no idea. But even if he does, I’m not sure anyone would believe him.”

“Andrew said the same thing.”

“You said that Andrew went to tell Eleazar.” Amon brushed his knuckles over Sonny’s face, and Sonny leaned into the touch. “Eleazar will handle Stone if he talks.”

Sonny was torn. He really liked Andrew, thought of him as kind of a brother, but he also liked Stone and didn’t want anything to happen to the wolf shifter. If it came down to it, though, Sonny wanted Andrew protected, because this was Sonny’s family.

Which reminded him. He needed to call Amy. He hadn’t spoken to her in a few days, and he missed the sound of her voice.

“I’ll let you get back to work.” Amon pulled away, and Sonny missed the heat of his mate’s body pressed against his own. He stood there watching as his mate walked away before he headed back into the kitchen.

* * * *

Amon learned quickly that he wasn’t the only one looking for Slater. Now Eleazar, as well as Shayde and the wolf shifters, wanted the human. He had no idea why the wolves wanted him, but Amon was determined to find Slater first.

He and Shayde combed the streets, but it was as if Slater had disappeared into thin air. Luckily, finding someone who knew about this new group was easier to track down.

David. He was an independent vampire, holding no loyalty to any coven, and was sometimes an informant to the wolves. He was a con artist, a scoundrel in Amon’s opinion, and wasn’t what some would think a vampire should be. He was short, cowardly, and the guy needed a lesson in fashion.

He wore torn jeans, a graphic T-shirt, ratty sneakers, and why on earth was his hair combed so perfectly to one side like he was about to attend church or sing in a boys’ choir?

As soon as David saw him and Shayde, he tried to run away, but Amon caught him easily and pinned against the building behind them, uncaring who saw what he was doing.

“I’m not joining a coven,” David squeaked. “You tell Lazarus to go to hell.”

Amon frowned. “You know damn well that we belong to Eleazar’s coven.”

David held his hands up, palms out. “The way people been talking, sides have been switching, so I have no idea who belongs to what these days.”

Amon hadn’t heard any such thing. No one from their coven had switched sides, and no one from Lazarus’s coven had come to them. When Andrew had first come to them, Maximus, a coven member, and some other members, had betrayed Eleazar and had planned on switching sides, but Eleazar had snuffed out Maximus when the idiot had kidnapped Andrew. The other members who’d been in on it were still lying in cross-wrapped coffins, starving.

“What are you rattling on about?” Shayde asked.

“Nothing.” David curled his lips in. “Forget I lost my mind and said anything.”

Amon would circle back to that in a second. “What do you know about some human group out to kill other humans associated with vampires?”

Relief washed over David’s features. “Oh that.” He gave a nervous laugh, and then he paled. “So it’s true. Eleazar’s estate was set on fire?”

Shayde bared his fangs. “Talk or meet the sun.”

It was a race to see who could find Slater first. If Eleazar found him, Amon was certain that a body would ever be found. If the wolves got their furry hands on him, there was no telling what they would do since Amon still didn’t know why they were hunting for the human.

But Amon was too livid to let anyone else have Slater. The son of a bitch had set fire to their home, had endangered the mates, and he couldn’t get the sound of Sonny sobbing in his arms out of his head.

“I just heard rumors.” David licked his lips. “It’s not like I’m going around those lunatics. They find out I’m a vampire and off with my head!”

Amon didn’t find the Alice in Wonderland reference funny.

“Anyway,” David went on, “I might not go around them, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t seen some things.”

“Like what?” Shayde asked, touching Amon’s arm to ask, without words, for Amon to give the guy some space.

Amon let his arm drop, but if David tried to run again, he was going to knock him upside his head.

David looked around as if someone might be listening. “I saw Slater, the head guy from what I heard, talking to someone. I followed, discreetly, making sure no one saw me because I don’t want to be next on their hit list.”

“Get to the point,” Amon snarled.
