Page 32 of Amon

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“Right, right. Slater took the guy into this building, and the next thing I knew, the guy, not Slater, came stumbling out, running fast, his face bloody and his arms all cut up. The smell of blood was heavy, and I would have followed him because the scent was driving me crazy, but I saw Slater come out and look around before he took off too. When I peeked inside, there were about ten guys, some holding weapons, like bats and chains.”

“Can you show me where that building is?” Amon asked.

“Hell no.” David shook his head. “I almost got caught snooping around. I don’t want to lose my life, but I can tell you where it is.”

“They’re not after vampires,” Amon said. “They’re after humans who help us.”

“How do you know they won’t come after vampires?” David demanded. “Just because they’re targeting humans doesn’t mean they wouldn’t kill a vampire if they caught one.”

Shayde snarled. “Just tell us where this place is.”

“My information isn’t free,” David argued. “You two might scare the bejesus out of me, but I still have bills to pay.”

Amon started to grab the weasel, but Shayde stopped him. “We might not like him, but he has a point.”

“Just because I make a living keeping my ear to the ground doesn’t make me a bad person,” David argued. “I swear, between vampires and wolf shifters, I’m made out to be the worst person. I’ll give you some other information for free.”

“What other information?” Amon asked.

“That I’m actually a really nice guy,” David said.

Shayde slapped a hundred-dollar bill into David’s hand. “Now give us the address, and if you’re lying, we’ll track you down and—”

“Rip something out of me, like my throat or guts, yeah, yeah.” David stuffed the money into his pocket. He gave them the address. “I would watch my back if I were you. The rumors say they’re growing in numbers.”

Amon planned on decimating those numbers. Eleazar was adamant about keeping balance, that vampires or wolf shifters not outnumber each other, but humans had a higher count in the city than both preternatural species combined, and that included the independent vampires and wolves.

If they decided to rally together, even with the preternatural inhuman strength and speed, they would be the ones who were decimated.

It was just a fact.

“Has anyone ever told you that you two look alike?” David asked as he glanced between them. “I guess it’s true.”

“What’s true?” Shayde furrowed his brows.

Amon didn’t think he and Shayde looked anything alike.

“That you start looking like your pets.” David took off so fast that paper should have been kicked up in his retreat.

Shayde chuckled. “I hate that little pipsqueak, but you have to admit, that was a good one.” Then he frowned. “Which one of us is supposed to be the pet?”

“Neither, and if I didn’t want to find Slater so badly, I’d chase him down and kick his ass.” But Amon chuckled, too. At least David was entertaining. He really wouldn’t have hurt the vampire. David was too short and slim, and Amon didn’t harm those smaller than him unless that person was out to physically harm him.

Slater was a different story. The guy wasn’t small and harmless, and Amon wanted to exact the maximum amount of pain before he ended the piece of shit.

Amon and Shayde made their way to the building David had described, their senses on high alert. Amon could feel his fangs lengthening as they approached. The smell of blood was heavy in the air, and he could hear muffled moans and groans coming from inside.

Without a word, they kicked down the door and stormed in, weapons at the ready. Amon’s heart dropped when he saw the scene before him. A dozen humans, all tied up and beaten to within an inch of their lives, were huddled in the corner of the room.

Unfortunately, he didn’t see Slater anywhere.

But he recognized one guy. Cash. He was one of Raiden’s men in the motorcycle gang, Ridgeway Riders, and from the way he stood, Amon suspected he’d taken over since Raiden’s death. His stance was too cocky, and the others had looked right at Cash when Amon and Shayde had burst in.

Cash stood at the back of the room, a smirk on his face as he stared down at the human captives. “Well, well, well. Look who decided to drop in uninvited. Eleazar’s lackies.”

Amon felt a wave of anger wash over him. “You sick bastard,” he growled. “What have you done?”

Cash shrugged. “Just a bit of fun. These humans are traitors. They’re lucky they’re still alive.”
