Page 33 of Amon

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Amon’s gaze darted between the captives, his heart breaking for them. He knew they were nothing but cattle to the vampires, but he couldn’t stand to see them treated this way.

Without another word, Amon lunged at Cash, but someone else jumped in front of him. The two exchanged blows, but Amon’s vampire strength gave him the upper hand. Before long, the stranger was lying on the ground, unconscious.

Amon rushed over to the human captives, cutting them loose from their restraints. They were battered and bruised, but alive. He gently helped them to their feet, afraid none of them could walk.

“Go ahead and take them,” Cash said as he leaned casually against the wall. “We’re just getting started.”

“Where’s Slater?” Shayde demanded as he stormed toward Cash.

Cash pulled out a handgun. “Silver-tip bullets. One more step and I’ll use you for target practice.”

Shayde stilled, but if looks could kill, Cash would be dead.

“I’ll have to have a talk with Slater about using more efficient methods to eradicate the vermin in this city,” Cash said. “Good help is so hard to find these days.”

Amon had known that Slater was behind the fire, but now Cash had confirmed it. “You have no idea the shitstorm you’ve just started.”

Cash narrowed his eyes. “I’m fully aware of the war you guys started when you killed Raiden.” He waved his gun. “Take your trash with you.”

Indicating, with his chin, the humans they’d tortured.

Cash wasn’t Amon’s intended target, but now the human was on his shit list. If pawns were kidnapped and tortured, they would go into hiding, and vampires would lose their advantage during daylight hours.

Pawns. Servants willing or unwilling to do a vampire’s bidding, with little to no pay. Amon had never been cool with that. Whether a human volunteered or was beguiled, he felt they should still be fairly compensated.

Not as well compensated as a human servant to a coven leader, who was paid an obscene amount, but they should still be paid for their time and effort.

Amon wanted to kill Cash so badly he could feel the need vibrating in him, but with that gun in Cash’s hand, Amon wasn’t taking a chance. He would track Cash down later and make him pay for what he’d done.

He and Shayde helped the humans out of the building, making sure they were gone before he turned back around. One of Cash’s men had followed then outside, a fat cigar between his lips. He removed the cigar and chuckled. “We’re only going to track them down again.”

Pissed off beyond words, Amon grabbed the bastard and slung him into the side of the building, slugging him in the gut. The guy’s cigar fell as he held up his arms, trying to stop the blows from reaching his face.

Shayde grabbed Amon and pulled him back. “He’s not who we’re after.”

“But it felt damn good to take my frustrations out on him.” Amon spat the words then saw that the cigar had rolled to a pile of trash by the back door. The cigar lit the trash on fire, and Amon stood there and watched as the flames lapped at the wooden door. The door itself looked old, with peeling paint and termite damage.

Before long, the door was on fire.

Turnabout was fair play. He and Shayde walked away, letting fate decide what would happen to Cash and his goons.

Chapter Nine

Three days and no one had found Slater. Sonny was starting to think they never would as he climbed into Stone’s truck. Sonny was shocked Amon still allowed the wolf shifter to drive him around since Stone had looked suspiciously at Andrew.

But Sonny had a job to do, no matter what was going on around him. Besides, it felt good to get out after being couped up for days. It felt good to feel the warm breeze through his hair and the sun on his face as he looked out the open window of the passenger side.

“Tell me,” Stone said as he drove through the city, “what’s really going on with Andrew?”

They’d been silent since Sonny had climbed into Stone’s truck, but he’d known that silence wouldn’t last long.

“How’s Loki?” Sonny asked.

Stone cut his eyes at Sonny. “He’s fine. Now answer my question.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Sonny crossed his arms but dropped them when Stone pulled over to the curb. He put the truck in Park and turned toward Sonny.

“Let’s not dance around this. I can’t believe I’m asking this question, but is Andrew pregnant?”
