Page 35 of Amon

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Stone tossed his phone aside and got out, walking inside the cleaner. Normally he could see Sonny through the window, but there wasn’t anyone at the counter. Stone had taken his eyes off of Sonny for, at the most, a minute, to answer a text.

“Hello?” Had Sonny asked to use the bathroom? Stone wouldn’t think a dry cleaner would allow the public to use their restroom, but maybe the woman had made an exception.

“Oh, hi.”

Stone turned to see the lady—he didn’t know her name, and she looked in her early twenties—coming toward him from the back. She was limping slightly and trying hard to hide a wince. Had she hurt herself? “I’m looking for Sonny.”


“The guy who came in here less than five minutes ago.” Alarms started signaling in his head. From the many conversations he and Sonny had had, he’d been coming here for months. No goddamn way this woman didn’t know who he was.

“Sorry, I just get a lot of people in here.” She gave him a tight smile. “I went to the back to grab something. He must have left.”

Stone smelled the lie all over her. He even smelled her fear. Sixty seconds at most he’d taken his eyes off Sonny, and in that timeframe, something had happened. Stone stormed around the counter, but the woman tried to run. He caught up to her easily and grabbed her upper arm.

“Start talking or that limp will be the least of your worries.” He normally didn’t intimidate females, let alone manhandle them, but she knew something. She was going to tell him, or he was going to break her in half.

“Get off of me!” She twisted her arm, but Stone applied a little more pressure, making her whimper instead of screaming.

“Tell me what happened or you’re going to disappear, too,” Stone growled. “Where is Sonny?”

Her smirked chilled Stone. “I’ll never tell you.”

Stone, tired of her bullshit, dragged her to the back room. “Honey, you’re about to sing at the top of your goddamn lungs.”

Chapter Ten

“What do you mean you lost him?” Amon slammed his fist so hard into Stone’s chest that he knocked the wolf shifter across the room, where Stone collapsed onto the floor.

Stone got up and rubbed his chest. Amon wouldn’t doubt he’d broken a few ribs.

“I tried to hunt him down. Spent the entire day interrogating people to find him. I even enlisted help.”

Amon flew across the room, so enraged that he could have killed Stone and wouldn’t have cared. He attacked, but this time, Stone defended himself with a few returned blows.

“Enough,” Eleazar said calmly, but they’d heard him. “We will accomplish nothing with this fighting. I will dispatch Joaquin and his men to find Sonny.”

“I’ll help,” Stone volunteered.

“You’ve helped enough,” Amon snarled. “Go fetch a fucking bone and never show your furry face around here again, or I’ll kill you the next time we see each other.”

“I know I screwed up, and I’m deeply sorry for that, but lay a hand on me again and I’ll tear you apart, bloodsucker.”

Stone turned on his heel and stormed out but not before Amon saw the genuine regret in his eyes. That didn’t matter. All Amon cared about was getting Sonny back.

Amon raced out of the house, spotting Stone’s taillights as he jumped into his Mercedes and took off. His adrenaline was spiked, and he knew he was going off halfcocked, because he had no idea where to look for Sonny. Slater could have stashed him anywhere, if Sonny was even still alive.

Now Amon wished he’d killed Slater that night. Letting the cop go had been the biggest mistake, and now Sonny might pay for that mistake. Amon sped through the dark city streets, scanning every alley and street corner. He had never felt so powerless before. The thought of Sonny being hurt or worse, dead, made his heart clench painfully in his chest. He couldn’t lose him. Not now, not ever.

He also cursed the fact that Sonny had been at the estate for months and neither of them had known they were mates. He’d lost precious time with the human, and Amon vowed that, if he found his mate alive, he would make sure Sonny knew each day that Amon loved him.

Because Amon loved Sonny with all his heart. Sonny was everything to him, and if Amon lost his mate, god, he wasn’t sure what he would do. Probably go crazy, to the point that Eleazar would have to bury him in a cross-wrapped coffin to stop Amon from going on a killing spree.

Amon pulled up to the building Cash and his goons had been in, but he found the structure a burned husk. That cigar had done the worst kind of damage, and he doubted anyone was inside. Then Amon saw movement in the shadows.

With a deep snarl, Amon got out and moved lightning fast toward the shadow. He gripped the person’s throat and slammed them against the wall, only to realize it was Stone. “What in the fuck are you doing here?”
