Page 36 of Amon

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“I told you I’m going to help, whether you want it or not.” Stone shoved Amon away from him, glaring at him as if daring Amon to touch him again. “I’m the one who lost him, and I’m going to be the one to find him. Threaten me all you want, bloodsucker, but I’m searching for him.”

Amon needed to stow his anger for now and think logically. He had no idea where to start looking, and honestly, he could use all the help he could get. Slater had had a hard-on when it came to snatching Sonny, and it had been Stone’s unfortunate luck that it had happened on his watch.

That didn’t mean Amon would forgive the wolf shifter. It just meant he would set aside his anger and work with him to find the human.

Thankfully Eleazar had sent his elite to find Sonny. With so many helping, Amon felt as if the odds were in his favor. He just wanted his mate back. He wanted to hold Sonny in his arms, hear his laughter or contented sigh, see his pretty eyes, and feel his warmth against him.

His arms actually ached because he wanted his mate so badly.

“Let’s find him,” Amon said.

With a look of determination, Stone nodded.

* * * *

Sonny wasn’t sure why he wasn’t dead already since Slater had bragged to him ten minutes ago about slowly eliminating those who’d helped vampires. He’d targeted Sonny from the start and had scared the mess out of him every time he’d spotted the guy, but so far, he hadn’t touched Sonny.

Which Sonny was eternally grateful for.

What he wasn’t grateful for was the threat Slater had leveled toward Sonny’s family. To prove Slater was a real piece of shit, he’d let Sonny out of the trunk, had put him in the passenger seat, and they’d driven past Amy’s house.

Sonny’s heart had sunk. The living room light had been on, and toys were still in the yard. Sonny had thought of his dinner with Amon, how his mate had charmed the pants off of all of them, and now all Sonny wanted was his vampire.

Dale had even stepped outside, and as terrified as Sonny was, he’d smirked when he saw his brother-in-law sneaking a cigarette after he’d walked to the side of the garage. It seemed straightlaced Dale wasn’t so perfect after all.

Not that Sonny would blackmail him with that information. It was just good to know he wasn’t Mr. Rogers.

Now they were in a building that looked as if it used to be some kind of restaurant. The tables and chairs were stacked haphazardly to one side of the room, as was the podium used to greet guests. There was a layer of dust on things, and Sonny had sneezed a couple times.

He was tied up, wrists and ankles bound, and was sitting on his ass against a wall as Slater talked with some men. From the heated arguments among the dozens of guys, they were trying to figure out what to do with him.

Sonny voted for letting him go.

“He has a rap sheet,” Slater snarled. “Drugs. We could shoot him up and get him hooked again.”

“Why are you even considering letting him live?” a guy with black hair and green eyes said. “We kill him like we killed the others. If his boyfriend hadn’t shown up, we would have killed those twelve men.”

Amon had told him about rescuing the humans, and Sonny was livid to know innocents were being killed for this asinine cause. Worse, Sonny feared Slater would go through with his plans. Sonny had been clean for nearly eight months, and he didn’t want to throw that away because some jackass had it in for him.

Sonny was proud of his sobriety, proud that he’d gotten clean—even if it had been Eleazar who’d forced it on him—and proud that he could hold his head high around his family. He’d been such a mess back then, showing up at Amy’s high as fuck, constantly borrowing money, and acting like a true asshole.

He’d even lost his apartment and ended up sleeping in his sister’s basement. Sonny still had to make amends with his other two sisters who refused to see him until he was clean. He’d meant to talk to them, but with working for Eleazar and his crazy hours, he’d kind of let that slip by.

He needed to remedy that. If he got out of this, Sonny would make sure to call them, to stop by and see them, as well as his other nieces and nephews.

Now that he sat there, Sonny realized how badly he’d fucked up. He’d known that, but with death hanging over his head, or his sobriety in jeopardy, he wished he’d made amends sooner.

“I vote we send him back to the vampires in pieces,” one person said.

“I vote you all are idiots,” Sonny said loudly. If he was going to die, he wasn’t going to cower in front of them. “I’m willing to wager a bet that all of you are going to die tonight.”

Slater stalked over and backhanded him. Sonny’s face exploded in pain, but he refused to cry out. He glared at Slater as he ran his tongue over his busted lip.

“Got a tough one.” Green Eyes smiled. “I say we break him before we kill him.”

Sonny spit, noticing blood where his saliva landed. He wasn’t a tough guy by any stretch of the imagination, but he’d learned with his ex-boyfriend that showing fear only made matters worse. Bruce had imparted a lot of valuable lessons when he’d been kicking Sonny’s ass.

Like how to show bravery in the face of pain.
