Page 37 of Amon

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One of the other men came toward him, but Slater shoved the guy away. “I think we can use him as leverage.”

“Since when do we use any of them as leverage?” the guy Slater had shoved away asked. “Our only goal is to kill all those who help the vampires. We show those ungodly abominations that anyone who sides with them will be slaughtered.”

“Why don’t you just kill the vampires?” Sonny asked with a smirk. “Why go after the middleman?”

Slater scowled at him. “They’re too strong. We wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Oh great,” Green Eyes said. “Why don’t you tell him all of our secrets?”

So Slater and his groupies were too afraid of vampires. That was why they were killing humans. “Cowards,” Sonny muttered.

This time Slater had to punch the guy he’d shoved away. The stranger glared menacingly at Sonny. “Keep running that mouth and Slater won’t be able to stop me.”

“All I’m saying is your plan is dumb,” Sonny said. “There are too many humans in Ridgeway. You kill those who help the vampires, and more will take their place.”

Sonny wasn’t too sure about that. If humans got wind of what Slater and his groupies were doing, they wouldn’t be so willing to help.

“That’s why it’s called a war,” Slater said. “They should have never killed Raiden, and this group wouldn’t have formed. They started this, with their unholy existence, with their need to kill us, with their way of putting humans under hypnosis to do their bidding.”

A thought struck Sonny. Slater had such a hard-on because he’d been beguiled. “Fall under their spell?”

“Never,” Slater sneered, but the truth was in his eyes. But if he’d been beguiled, how would he even know, unless he was one of those who was strong enough to fight against it, had realized what happened to him, and was now insane with anger.

Sonny had opened his mouth to call Slater a liar when the side door slammed open. All the men turned as Amon and Stone walked in. Sonny’s heart leapt at the sight of his mate. He was also happy to see Stone. Sonny had grown to like the wolf shifter, and he might even go so far as to say he cared about the guy.

But it was the expression on Amon’s face that startled Sonny. He’d never seen someone appear wholly evil, and if he hadn’t known who Amon was, Sonny would have pissed himself. The look of death in Amon’s eyes before a kill was jarring—a vampire about to end a life was terrifying as fuck.

Even so, Sonny smiled. “I think I’m going to win that bet.”

Two of the men charged at them, and Sonny watched in awe as Amon and Stone dispatched them easily. He smiled wider, loving that his mate was so powerful and deadly.

Sonny yelped when Slater grabbed him from the floor and used him as a human shield. The bastard even stuck a gun to Sonny’s temple.

Amon slowly turned his head, and Sonny got chills at how monstrous he appeared.

His eyes were glowing with an otherworldly light, and his fangs had descended. But despite his menacing appearance, Amon was calm and in control. He spoke in a low, threatening voice. “Let him go, Slater. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

Slater sneered. “I know exactly who I’m dealing with. You’re a blood-sucking monster, just like all the others.” He tightened his grip on Sonny’s neck, making him gasp for air.

Amon took a step closer, not intimidated in the slightest. “I’m more than happy to show you the extent of my monstrosity, if you’d like to see it.”

Sonny’s eyes bulged when Stone shifted into a huge-ass wolf. He’d known the guy was a wolf shifter, but to see it up close was extraordinary. Stone’s fur was tan with patches of black. He stood next to Amon, his spine even with Amon’s hip. His ears were pinned back, and he was baring some impressively sharp teeth.

“Either of you come near me and I’ll shoot him before you can save him,” Slater said, though his voice wasn’t as confident as before.

Then someone else stepped into the room. Sonny’s knees grew weak when he saw it was Eleazar himself. Only, Eleazar’s eyes were red. Sonny had never seen his eyes do that before, and honestly, he was ready to faint from sheer fright.

“On what planet did you think you could get away with this?” Eleazar asked as he walked closer. Sonny wanted to shout for him to stop because he didn’t want Slater shooting him. “You threaten someone I care about and you try to burn my home to the ground? You were asking to be killed, human.”

Sonny had known deep down that Eleazar cared about him, but to hear him say it aloud made Sonny feel all warm and fuzzy. Unless Eleazar had been referring to Andrew, who would have also been threatened by the fire.

He decided that Eleazar was referring to him because Sonny liked the warm and fuzzy feeling.

“You guys started this,” Slater shouted, his grip on Sonny growing tighter. “Your boy over there burned our last place to the ground, killing some good men.”

“Good men?” Amon bared his fangs. “You had a dozen humans tied up and had beaten them senseless. You’ve also got a lot of nerve considering you started a fire the night before.”

Sonny’s fear skyrocketed when Eleazar’s elite stepped into the room. This was about to get downright ugly. Slater must have come to the same conclusion, as he backed away, his grip on Sonny never loosening.
