Page 6 of Amon

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Despite thanking her, Sonny noticed that Amon didn’t touch the glass the entire time they were there, but he was engaging, witty, and had Amy and Dale laughing a few times. How had he not realized how charming Amon was?

Oh yeah. He’d barely talked to the vampire since meeting him. He’d acted as if Amon wasn’t even there most of the time.

“You are such a delight!” Dale said as he slapped his hand on the table. “You have to join us for dinner again, preferably not before surgery so you can enjoy my wife’s cooking.”

Amy glanced at Sonny. “Is something wrong? You’ve hardly touched your food.”

“I must confess,” Amon said. “Since my cutoff for eating was six, I confess I took Sonny out for a juicy burger and fries earlier. I’m afraid I ruined his appetite.”

“I thought the cutoff for surgery was midnight,” Dale said.

“My doctor told me six.” Amon shrugged. “I’m just following his instructions.”

Sonny frowned as he looked at Amon. Who was this guy, and where was the quiet, watchful vampire that had been following him around the estate? It seemed Amon had an excuse at the ready for anything Amy or Dale threw his way.

And Lizzy seemed to love Amon. She kept talking to him about her baby dolls and asking Amon a ton of questions, like what his favorite color was and what kind of animal he would be if he could be an animal.

To Sonny’s surprise, Amon said he would be a bunny, like a play on Amy’s nickname for him.

Even Michael paid him attention.

Sonny wasn’t sure if he should be jealous or just as charmed. He was their uncle, but the kids were acting as if Amon was.

“I’m just something new and shiny to them,” Amon said under his breath for only Sonny’s ears, as if the vampire had read his mind. “I can smell the jealousy all over you.”

Thank goodness Amy and Dale were talking to each other and hadn’t heard what Amon said.

“Stop smelling my emotions,” Sonny huffed.

He hated the fact that vampires could do that. It made hiding his arousal around Amon impossible. So far, they’d both ignored the fact that Sonny’s hormones went into overdrive when Amon was around.

At least Amon had never said anything about being able to sniff Sonny’s horniness, and Sonny was grateful for that.

“So how did you two meet?” Dale asked.

“We’re just friends,” Sonny reminded him.

“Of course, but you two friends had to have meet somewhere, right?”

“He’s a vampire, and I’m the housekeeper for his coven,” Sonny said.

Dale burst out laughing. “Good one, Sonny.”

“You and your imagination.” Amy rolled her eyes, but Sonny noticed how intently Lizzy was now looking at Amon. Maybe he shouldn’t have stuck to the truth, though he knew they wouldn’t have believed him anyway. It seemed Lizzy did, though.

“High school,” Amon said.

“I don’t remember you there,” Amy replied. “I think I would have remembered you.”

Her way of saying Amon was hot without saying that in front of her husband.

“I was much different back then.” Amon smiled. “Dorky, braces, glasses, my nose always stuck in a book.”

And that was the end of their inquisition. Now Sonny was more intrigued with Amon than he cared to be. The guy could come up with lies on the fly, charm his family, and life was so unfair. Amon was the total package, a package Sonny refused to give in to, even if he was dying to.

Dinner with his family left Sonny feeling restless. He couldn’t stop thinking about Amon and his charming persona. It was like the vampire had two sides to him—the quiet and reserved one that Sonny knew and the charismatic and witty one that had been on full display at dinner.

Now Sonny was dying to know which side was the true Amon.
