Page 7 of Amon

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Chapter Two

The attraction to Sonny had been instant, but Amon had pushed it down when the human had been taken to a room to dry out. It had been a rough month, but Amon had kept by his side, helping Sonny through it.

Maybe that was why Sonny pushed him away. Because Amon had seen him at his worst. If Sonny was embarrassed by what he’d gone through, there was no need. Amon had never judged him and never would. Life happened, and sometimes it threw a curve ball.

But for the past few months Amon had been trying to find a way to get Sonny to let down his guard. He’d tried engaging Sonny in conversation, which was like trying to pull teeth. He’d tried just being there, letting Sonny know he was present, but Sonny pretty much ignored him.

Honestly, Amon wasn’t sure why he was trying so damn hard. He’d never had to before, and maybe he was thrilled by the chase. Maybe he was being too subtle. Only, Amon didn’t want to push Sonny because he knew of the guy’s past. And not just from what Eleazar had told him about Sonny’s life before he’d come to the estate.

Now Amon had met some of Sonny’s family, and he genuinely liked them. He might have gone as a bodyguard, but Amon liked to think that he’d cracked one of Sonny’s layers. Lord knew the human had many of them.

Amon knew what heartache felt like, as well as pain and loneliness. He’d lost his entire family a long time ago, and although he belonged to Eleazar’s coven, it wasn’t the same. Amy and Dale had made him feel welcomed, made him feel like he belonged. He wasn’t comparing his life to Sonny’s because Sonny still had his family, but more than once he’d seen the loneliness in the human’s eyes, had smelled the sadness in him, as well.

Amon was six hundred years old, and he’d had his fair share of broken hearts. Some because the person he was involved with died of old age, though Amon had stuck with them even as they’d grown old. Some were because of untimely deaths, and one in particular was because the guy was married and Amon had refused to violate the sanctity of marriage—even if it hadn’t been his own marriage.

It had killed Amon to walk away from Theron, but he wasn’t going to be the cause of his lover’s children living in a broken home, so he’d loved Theron from afar, pining for a man he couldn’t have.

Though Theron’s children had still suffered because, after Amon had denied his feelings for the human, Theron had found another lover. His wife had discovered his infidelity, and she’d divorced him, but not before she’d ensured Theron’s public shame for not only cheating on her but cheating on her with another man.

That had happened over a hundred and fifty years ago, in a small Christian town, and as much as Amon had cared for Theron, he’d warned the human that it wasn’t wise to be gay in such a community. Theron hadn’t been careful. He hadn’t tried to cover up his trysts, and when his wife’s sister had seen him kissing his lover, Theron’s life as he knew it was over.

Amon had only known what happened after he’d refused Theron because he’d lived in that community. After Theron was killed by some men in town, Amon had left. There hadn’t been a reason for him to stay.

After that, Amon hadn’t committed himself to anyone. But for some reason, he wanted to commit to Sonny. If only the guy would let him.

“Thank you for covering things up with my family,” Sonny said from beside him as they drove home. “I suck at lying. Always have.” He turned partially toward Amon. “Were you really a dork in school?”

Amon tightened his fingers on the steering wheel. He’d wanted to go when he was younger, but the sun had denied him the experience. “Kind of hard to do when that bright ball in the sky appeared daily.”

“Oh…right.” Sonny nodded.

They fell into silence, the hum of the car filling the space between them. Amon could feel Sonny’s gaze on him, but he kept his eyes on the road. He didn’t want to give in to temptation. He didn’t want to make things difficult for Sonny, especially not when he was trying to gain the human’s trust.

But Amon had to admit it was becoming increasingly harder to resist Sonny’s charms. The way he moved, the way he spoke, the way he laughed. Amon wanted to know everything about him.

Sonny was an enigma to him. The guy was pretty. That was the word that came to mind when he thought of Sonny. He was androgynous, with sleek brown hair that fell in soft waves to his shoulders and gorgeous blue eyes. He reminded Amon of a porcelain doll.

Amon snuck a glance at Sonny, who was staring out the window, lost in thought.

“What are you thinking about?” Amon asked, breaking the peaceful silence.

Sonny turned to him, his eyes softening. “Just…things.”

Amon gave him a half-smile. “Care to elaborate?”

“Not really.” Sonny sighed then looked at Amon. “Look, we both know we’re attracted to each other, but…” Sonny bit his bottom lip, and all Amon could imagine was sliding his tongue across it.


“But I think it best we keep things platonic.” Sonny looked out his window again. “You know about Bruce. You know about my past. I’m sure Eleazar told you.”

“He did.”

“Well, I’m just not ready to jump into something else, Amon. I think I need this time to figure myself out, figure out who I am without a guy in my life, you know?”

Amon would be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed. He really liked Sonny, was drawn to him in a way that was almost maddening, but he wasn’t going to force himself into someone’s life. “Yeah, I get it.”

Though he really didn’t.
