Page 8 of Amon

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“But I could always use another friend.” Sonny turned and gave him a weak smile. “I lost touch with my old ones when I went down that dark road. Some were disgusted with me, didn’t want to be around a drug addict, and others, I had to let go. They used, too, and if I was going to get clean, I couldn’t be around them.”

Amon wasn’t going to pretend he knew what Sonny was going through. He’d never had a desire to use drugs, and even if he had, it would have burned through his system too quickly to feel any effects.

He also knew about Bruce, how the human had physically abused Sonny and gotten him hooked on drugs in the first place.

“Friends.” Amon nodded, though he loathed being placed in the friend zone.

Sonny smiled, and Amon felt something inside him warm up. It was strange how easily Sonny could affect him. How easily the guy could make him feel things he’d thought he’d given up a long time ago.

As they pulled up to the house, Sonny let out a deep breath. “Thanks for tonight. I know I was snarky earlier, but I’m glad you came.”

“It was my pleasure.” Amon stepped out of the car and walked Sonny to the door. “You know where to find me if you need me.”

“Thanks, Amon.” Sonny turned to face him, his eyes drifting over Amon’s face. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Sonny.” Amon watched as Sonny went inside, his heart aching a little. But he knew he had to respect Sonny’s decision. He wasn’t going to push himself on someone who wasn’t ready for it.

As he walked to his room, Amon couldn’t help but think about Sonny. He thought about him often, his mind filled with images of the human’s soft curves and perfect lips. He tried to push those thoughts away, tried to focus on something else, but it was useless.

Amon had always been a creature of passion. He’d loved deeply and fiercely before—Theron being a painful example—and he knew he was capable of that same love again. Maybe he was being too patient with Sonny.

But he wasn’t ready for rejection. He wasn’t ready to lose Sonny completely, and he knew that was a very real possibility since the guy had already said he just wanted to be friends.

The following days were difficult for Amon. He tried his best to bury his feelings for Sonny, but it was like trying to bury a seed in fertile soil. The more he tried to push them away, the stronger they grew. Every time Sonny was near, Amon was plagued by the temptation to touch him, to kiss him.

But he didn’t. He respected Sonny’s boundaries, even if the only thing Amon wanted to do was bend the human over the nearest flat surface and fuck him until neither of them could walk.

Unable to stand it any longer, Amon left the house, heading into the heart of the city. He always loved Ridgeway. Even though it was close to midnight, the streets were still bustling. He drove to Club Lure, because, fuck, he needed to get laid or his balls might shrivel up, so he parked and went inside.

The music pulsed through the air, the beat so loud he could feel it in his chest. He walked past the dance floor, eyeing the men and women already grinding against one another. He stopped at the bar, ordering a red wine, which was code for a wine glass of blood. The club owner was a vampire, and so was the bartender, and since Amon knew him, the guy gave him a knowing nod, returning with what Amon truly wanted.

He was just about to grab a seat when he felt someone’s hand slide up his back.

Amon turned to find a guy smiling at him, clearly interested in more than just conversation. Amon knew from years of practice exactly how to handle a situation like this. He smiled back, his gaze drifting down the stranger’s body.

The human leaned in, his lips brushing Amon’s ear. Amon shivered and found himself leaning into the touch. He wanted this man. There was no denying it.

But he also couldn’t deny the fact that thoughts of Sonny kept invading his mind. He kept comparing this guy to Sonny and knew he wasn’t feeling nearly as attracted to the stranger as he should be.

Amon stepped back, shaking his head. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Not tonight.”

He left the club without a backward glance, his heart heavy. He wanted to be with Sonny, but if Sonny didn’t feel the same way, then what was the point? He’d just have to find a way to make peace with the fact that he’d never get to have the man he wanted.

Amon walked back to his car, but before he reached it, he spotted two hunters. Wolf shifters who patrolled the streets of Ridgeway and killed any vampire who thought so little of human life that they tried to drain a human or ganged up on one for a feeding frenzy.

Although Amon understood why the hunters did what they did, he still despised them.

Then he noticed them going down an alley. Silently, Amon followed, keeping to the shadows so he could see what was going on. He knew these hunters. The twins, Cable and Logan. They were huge, muscular, and deadly.

Especially when they teamed up together.

Amon saw a guy had another guy pinned against a wall, and he understood what was going on when the one who was pinned kept begging the other guy to let him go. Only the one who was being aggressive was feeding.

A vampire. Amon knew him. Desi. A lowlife who belonged to Lazarus’s coven.

Amon cursed. It was vampires like Desi who gave their species a bad rap.

Needing to get rid of his pent-up frustrations, Amon flew past the twins and snapped Desi’s neck. He crumpled to the ground before he even realized what had happened.
