Page 143 of Time with Mr. Silver

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I thought being released and having all charges against him dropped would help. I thought coming back to the estate would help.

Iprayedthat coming back home would change whatever it is that’s keeping him from seeing me.

I blink my dry, stinging eyes as Logan speaks.

“He said to tell you he’s terminating your contract early.”

“What?” I whip around and gape at him. He looks as drained as I feel, the burden of having to deliver this news himself evident in the absence of his usual bright eyes and cheeky smile.

This whole situation is sucking the life out of all of us.

“He actually said that?”

Nausea rolls in my stomach, as Logan whispers, “I’m sorry, Rose.”

“He’s… it’s a shock. He’s still in shock. Jasmin said he’s meeting Alistair later. To talk. He’s thinking about that. And coming home. And…” My shoulders drop as I stare at Logan. “Why is he doing this?”

“I don’t know. I wish I did. Nothing makes sense.”

I turn back to the window again as Logan walks up behind me, his strong, warm body stopping behind me and bringing a sliver of comfort with it as it evokes a memory.

Dax wrapped me in his arms in this exact spot once. He buried his nose into my hair and inhaled. Breathed me in. Kissed my neck and whispered in my ear.Infinity.

The muscles in my back tense as I tear my eyes away from the main house and Dax’s bedroom window and spin to face Logan.

“How was he when you dropped him off? Is Jasmin there now? Or is he alone?”

“He’s alone, but…” Logan’s eye pinch at the corners.

He’s too nice to say it. Too nice to tell me not to go there, that Dax still doesn’t want to see me. Logan probably thinks I’ll cry. But he doesn’t know that I don’t ever cry.

Dax knows that.

At least the bastard knows I won’t be shedding any tears over him.

“Give him some time. He’ll get over whatever shit he’s got going on inside his head.”

“Time. Yeah,” I snort.

I appreciate Logan trying to make me feel better, I do. But the fact is, Dax has chosen to shut me out, for whatever reason. And being told to give him time? It’s like hearing my family telling me that’s all I needed, over and over again. I heard it for months… years… on repeat. But after everything, it wasn’t time that helped me.

It was Dax.

He made me feel calm for the first time in years. He taught me to let go. To stop blaming myself. He showed me how to forgive.

And now he’s treating me in a way I’m not sure I can ever forgive him for.

He’s shutting me out.

“He’s terminating your contract early.”

“Look. Let me make you a drink,” Logan says, his eyes raking over my pinched expression.

I shrug my shoulders. “Sure. Coffee, please.”

He places his keys and phone down on the coffee table as he heads down the hallway toward the kitchen.

I take a seat on the sofa as he moves around in the kitchen, fixing us both a drink.
