Page 173 of Time with Mr. Silver

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“I… I need you. I want to feel youback where you belong…Inside me.”

“Fuck,” he chokes out, emotion clogging up his throat as he caresses my hard nipple gently between his fingers.

“I don’t want to think about the last ninety-two days without you. Make me forget we were ever apart. Make me remember how good we are together.”

The ground underneath my feet disappears as Dax lifts me into his arms, encouraging me to wrap my legs around his waist as he lowers us down onto the blanket we brought.

“I’ve missed you so damn much. I’m fighting the demon on my shoulder that wants me to fuck you until you see stars,” Dax utters as his hot body hovers over mine.

He kisses me again, his breath stalling.


I arch my back so he can pull my hoodie and camisole off in-between desperate kisses.

“Do it. Make me see a whole shower of stars,” I plead as he drags my shorts and panties off.

A deep line puckers the skin between his brows as he balls the soaked cotton of my panties in his fist and lifts them to his nose. His eyes hold mine as he inhales deeply.

“Jesus…” He closes his eyes and inhales again before placing them down. “I’ve missed every fucking thing about you.”

I pant, completely naked beneath him. His eyes roam over my body. He sucks in a breath, a muscle twitching in his jaw as he continues his assessment of me.

“Dax, touch me, please.” I reach for him, but he pulls back, and there’s a look I can’t place in his eyes.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Rose. It’s been months and…” His fingers dig into his sweatpants on his thighs until his knuckles turn white. “Andfuck, I’m scared I’m going to lose control. You deserve me to be gentle. I want to be gentle. Ishouldbe gentle.”

I reach up to stroke his cheeks with my fingertips. “I want you to be you. I know you can be gentle. You don’t have to be anything in this moment other than what feels right.”

His eyes are dark and wild.

I whisper, “I trust you.”

A deep growl leaves him as he smashes his mouth to mine, biting my lips and sucking my tongue. He pulls back for mere seconds, long enough to rip his t-shirt up over his head and yank his sweatpants off. Then he crushes his hard body against mine, one hand finding mine and entwining our fingers together tightly, the other cupping my neck and seeking out my thundering pulse with the pad of his thumb.

I take a deep breath as he caresses the beating vein softly, his eyelids hooded with lust.

“I need to feel you, taste you, be surrounded by you. I’ve thought about you, pictured your face, obsessed over the scent of your skin for every moment we’ve been apart. All I’ve been able to think about is how much I love you. How much I miss you. How much I need you to fucking survive.”

“Show me.”

I widen my legs, desperate to lift my hips so Dax can sink inside me. But he moves back, far enough for me to gaze into his eyes. The haunted depths of them makes my breath stall.

He croaks hoarsely, “My life would be darkness without you, Rose.”

“Stop,” I breathe, my heart breaking as I see how deeply this is affecting him. “I’m here now.We’reherenow.”

He kisses the inside of my wrist as I blink back the threat of tears. It isn’t only him who needs me. I need him too.

“We are,” he whispers. “We are, Sunbeam.”

I pull him into me, kissing him in between fevered gasps as we press ourselves together, re-connecting, too scared to let the other go. I fuse our hot skin together as we try our hardest to climb inside each other and erase all the pain. Dax lets out a low hiss as the metal of his piercing grazes my entrance, and a shiver runs through me.

“Please,” I whimper, pulling him closer.

“You’re always so wet for me,” he groans, pushing an inch inside me and then stopping.

I moan and wriggle, willing him to sink more of himself inside me. To fill me and make me stretch around him.
