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“I wish things were different. You make me wish they were.”

What does that even mean? Does he think I’m too innocent for him because I’ve only had sex once with Gareth? When Dax has probably had sex with loads of women in his life. Especially since coming out of jail. He’s probably been making up for lost time. But Jasmin said he hardly goes out to bars. Where would he meet anyone? Maybe he has a little black book of hook-ups he calls.

Like I care!

I stomp upstairs to my bedroom, dragging my boots off my feet and ripping his hoodie off, throwing it over the mirror so it hangs, obscuring my reflection. The last thing I want to do is look at myself in it. Not when that’s what he wants me to do.

I pull off my dress and get into my pajamas and go to the bathroom to scrub my face and brush my teeth. Every movement is jerky and exaggerated by how wound up I am. He wouldn’t even let me storm off in a sulk earlier. All I wanted was to walk back alone under the night sky and clear my head. But he wouldn’t hear of it because it was dark. The bastard followed two steps behind me the entire way despite me trying to speed up and lose him. He stopped at the bottom of the path to the cottage.

I peek out between the drapes before I throw myself onto the bed.

Gone. He’s gone.

Idiot. Stupid, complicated, confusing… caring… attentive… sexy idiot.

I grab my cell phone from the bottom of the bed where I threw it and unlock it to call Casey. But my willpower loses out, and I bring up Google instead, and search forDax Silver, Silver Estates.The first few entries are about the court case and him getting released. But further down there is a magazine article written about the estate and the gin tours it hosts. They’ve put a picture of Dax and Jasmin in. They’re at some posh function from the looks of Jasmin’s evening dress and Dax’s tuxedo.

I zoom in on him. His eyes are dark, and his blond hair is styled neatly back from his eyes. But his tattoo is still visible. A hint of dark, delicate leaves winding their way around his neck. The feathers of a tiny bird.

Damn you, Dax Silver. Damn you for being so beautiful and difficult all at once.

I run my hand down my body, stroking circles over one nipple as I travel south, burying it inside my panties where my hot skin is slick with arousal. I slide a finger inside myself, biting my bottom lip as I stare into Dax’s dark eyes. Never have I met someone who makes me want to scream with both frustration and pleasure simultaneously.

I pull my finger out and spread my wetness around my clit, stroking it in quick circles with the pads of my fingers. I’m too worked up to take my time. And thanks to a fear of the luggage scanner at the airport, I didn’t pack my vibrator. I’ve heard stories of them going off in cases and security officers unpacking them.

“Mmm,” I moan as a rush of moisture runs out of me and my nipples tighten. “You’re a bastard,” I hiss at Dax’s picture. “A moody bastard who blows hot and cold. I bet you think I’m too boring for you…” I slip two fingers inside myself and use the back of my thumb to rub my clit as I finger-fuck myself. “But I can still make myself come. I’m not as helpless as you seem to think I am.”

I speed up, my back arching off the bed as I hold my phone above me and stare at his picture like he is over me, pushing inside my body, every muscle rippling beneath his tattoos as he pounds into me with none of the restraint he shows every time I see him.

“Just like that,” I murmur, my lids heavy as I stare into his eyes.

I suck in a breath as every muscle draws in, tightening into a ball in my core. Then I explode, coming in a rush that makes me cry out his name as my body spasms around my fingers, sucking them in, desperately squeezing in the hope they will turn into his.

I drop my mouth wide and pant as I hold his eyes and a second orgasm hits me, making sweat bead on the skin between my breasts. I keep coming in waves around my fingers, staring into deep brown, looking at beautiful art upon skin, until my body wilts into the mattress with a final shudder.

I toss my phone to the side and squeeze my eyes shut.

Fuck you, Dax Silver.

“Jasmin, I need you to go to Brighton with me this afternoon to sign some papers at the lawyers’.” Dax’s deep voice booms from the hallway.

He strides into his office in a black suit and black shirt, his step faltering as he sees me standing to one side. I came in to chat to Jasmin. Now I wish I hadn’t.

“I can’t. I have the hairdresser’s,” Jasmin replies.

I frown. I’m sure she went last week. And the week before.

Dax’s eyes drop over my outfit. I have a fitted black pencil skirt on today and white silk blouse. The skirt goes down past my knees.

He frowns before turning to Jasmin.

“They need a signature from me and one other senior employee.”

“Take Logan.”

“He has a date later,” Dax grits.

“So, take Rose.” Jasmin shrugs. “She’s senior in accounts.”
