Page 145 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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I nod, unable to say anything else. This wouldn’t have happened without his huge investment, and he knows it. But he maintains that his involvement is nothing compared to my vision. I haven’t figured him out. I know he values originality and determination highly. All the members of his exclusive clubs he owns are high performers in their chosen fields. But there’s something about him he doesn’t let you see. Something deeper. Painful.

“Are you staying in London long?” Maddy asks Sterling.

The smile he gives her back is a warm one. She impressed him going back to negotiate with him in Italy. My hand on her hip flexes involuntarily even though I know he isn’t flirting with her.

Maddy’s eyes flick up to mine, and she narrows them knowingly, then leans into my side.

“No,” Sterling replies. “I’m flying back to New York in the morning. But before I go.” He looks between me and Maddy. “Tell me, the name of the first Vex prototype. Who came up with it?”

“Logan did.” Maddy beams at me.

“Sorriso,” Sterling says. “Interesting, and it means—”

“Smile,” I say, looking down at Maddy, my heart swelling. “It’s Italian for smile.”


I step out of my heels as we walk into the hallway. The cool marble floor is like heaven to my feet after a long evening spent at the launch party.

“Why don’t you go and run a bath?” Logan murmurs against my skin as he envelops me in his arms from behind and presses his lips beneath my ear.

I sink back into him. “How about I just stay here, or you carry me there?” I sigh happily.

“You get a rocket engine named after you, and suddenly you think you should be carried everywhere?” He chuckles against my neck as I elbow him lightly in the ribs.

“I could move out if I’m not valued here,” I counter.

Logan stiffens behind me, his voice deepening until a small growl rolls out. “No fucking way. You live with me now. This is your home.Ourhome.”

I wiggle around in his arms until I’m facing him, then reach up to trace my fingers along his jaw as I toy with him. “Yeah?” I pout.

“Yeah.” He kisses me deeply, causing the breath to stall in my throat. “These are here, so this must be your home.” He smirks as he lifts me around the waist and then lowers me down so my feet are over my monogrammed slippers from Rome. I slide my feet inside them, humming contentedly.

“I guess living with you has one perk. My feet are happy.”

He cocks a brow and then my stomach lurches as he lifts me, throwing me over his shoulder. A firm slap lands on my ass before he strides off, carrying me up the stairs.

“I think someone needs teaching a lesson.”

My slippers fall off my feet and are left behind us on the stairs. “I think someone needs to put me down. Don’t you,Princepe?” I bite back my giggle as my ‘prince’ groans deep in his chest and reaches up, cupping my ass with one giant hand.

He carries us into the master bedroom and kicks open the bathroom door before placing me down inside.

He reaches up to slide my dress from my shoulders. It falls to the floor in a puddle around my feet. I lean back, one hand either side of my waist against the counter as Logan’s eyes drop over my body.

“Fuck, where are your panties, baby?” he groans, his thick neck contracting as he swallows.

“Oh, those?” I look down innocently at my lingerie from Italy. I’m wearing the bra and garter, but nothing else. “They got ripped.”

I look up at him through my lashes as he takes his bowtie off, his eyes intent on mine.

“So they did,” he grunts. “A pussy as pretty as yours shouldn’t be covered up anyway. Not when you’re with me.”

He steps closer, and I suck in a breath as my heartrate picks up and hot desire fires between my legs.

“I got you something,” he says, his eyes dark as he unbuttons his shirt and pulls it off.

I narrow my eyes at him as he commands the voice activated speaker system to play. I swallow down my confusion as the voice talks.
