Page 3 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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“About Vix?” She brightens like a puppy expecting a treat for pissing in the correct spot.

“Vex.” A muscle in my jaw ticks.

“Oh.” She sinks back into the seat. “Maybe another time?”

I don’t answer, because that would mean lying, and I hate lying.

I hand the driver a fold of notes.

“Please make sure this beautiful woman gets home safely.”

Sandy giggles behind her hand as I flash her a charming smile.

I close the door before she can say anything else. My phone is out of my pocket and to my ear before the cab even pulls away.

“All right, fucker? Why you calling me? Thought you were on a date?”

I chuckle at Drew’s greeting. “Nice way to talk to your best mate.”

“So, what happened? Does she have brains as well as tits?”

“If she did, then Humpy’s probably a shareholder.”

“What? You had too much to drink? Listen, I’ve had one too, but if you need a ride home, I can ask Maddy.”

“No, I’m fine,” I say as I walk toward my Aston Martin. “I’ve had half a glass of wine. Besides, you know your sister would rather leave me to crawl over hot coals to get home than give me a lift.”

Drew chuckles. It’s always been a source of amusement how much his sister, Maddy, dislikes me. I could help my cause, but it’s far too fun playing with her when I see her. It’s become a compulsion to see how deep I can make the frown line that appears between her eyebrows when she sees me. Maybe it’s the lack of any siblings of my own to mess with.

“Did you know there are websites where girls can get their boob jobs paid for by guys with names like Humphrey?”

I unlock my car and sink into the driver’s seat.

“Yeah, didn’t you?”

“I do now,” I groan and tip my head back into the headrest.

“FlirtyGirl99? Really?”


Drew breaks out into a booming laugh. “Jesus Christ. Why wasn’t this a double date? I’d have paid to see your face.”

“Fuck off.”

I drag a hand down my face. Maybe I need a break from the dating apps. Vex is going to need all my energy anyway. It’s a gigantic project. I’m heading to Italy soon for a month-long business trip to secure funding for it.

My mind flashes to Sandy’s tit as I squeezed it. Humpy has a good investment at least. They were nice tits.

“You sure know how to pick them,” Drew interrupts my thoughts.

“Am I that shallow? Don’t fucking answer that.”

He breaks out into laughter as I curse at him with a half-smile on my lips and end our call.

I exhale as I sit, watching a couple wander along the street. He has his arm around her and she’s smiling at something he’s saying.

Just then, my phone chimes.
