Page 77 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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“Logan?Isthatyou?”Mum calls.

“Yep.” I walk up the hallway toward the kitchen.

I came straight to Mum and Dad’s after dropping Maddy home. Any lingering goodbyes that might have been were thwarted by her friend, Chloe, rushing out to the car the moment we pulled up, and sweeping Maddy off inside. Probably a good thing. She’s made it clear how she feels. She doesn’t want anything to do with me. Yet all I’ve been able to think about since the second I dropped her off at her apartment is when will I see her again.

To her, we’re done. We were done the moment we left Italy.

Technically, we never started. That’s what Maddy insists. She doesn’t want anyone to know something happened between us. But Drew’s been my friend for years. I can’t lie to him. And I also can’t lie to myself. Maddox Harper acts like the biggest brat most of the time with me. But she’s stormed her way under my skin these past few weeks. And as much as I know I can’t keep her, a part of me wants to. She at least owes me a conversation about that.

I need to give her a couple of days, then I’ll hunt her down if I have to. Because we have to talk about this.

If things were good with Dad, then I’d be able to talk to him about it. But walking back into their house this morning has my stomach in knots. I’d half expected him to be gone. He and Mum never fight like this. I feel it’s my fault, leaving the way I did without sorting things out first.

Mum rushes me the second I cross the threshold, pulling me into a hug. “How was your trip? How’s Maddy? Did she enjoy herself? Did you look after her?”

I hug her back. “She’s fine. I dropped her home with a suitcase full of souvenirs for Drew and her friend.”

Mum smiles as she pulls back. “Well, that’s nice.”

I lock eyes across the room with Dad. He’s sitting at the kitchen table, looking ten years older than when I left, deep lines etched in his forehead, and dark circles beneath his eyes.

“You two need to talk.” Mum purses her lips, giving him a pointed look, and he nods.

“We do, son. Sit.”

I walk over and pull a chair out, but Dad frowns, his brow wrinkling as he stands.

“What am I saying? Come here first.” He draws me into a hug, slapping his hand on my back. “I’ve missed you. You’ve done us proud, raising all those funds. I knew you would.”

“Then why’d you look like you’re off to a funeral?”

Mum looks at Dad from across the room, her face pinched. “You tell him. I’ll make us all a drink.”

I glance warily between the two. Mum’s obviously been busting his balls the entire time I’ve been gone.

“Guest room comfy?”

Dad snorts, one side of his mouth lifting. “As much as a bed of nails in purgatory can be.”

I chuckle as Mum shakes her head and turns her back on us.

Dad’s face falls as he looks at me. “I didn’t tell you everything before you left. I was hoping to find another way, but… the project’s off, son.”

“What do you mean? I got the funding. I actually got more than we need.”Thanks to Sterling.

Dad’s eyes flick to Mum’s back, then he drops his gaze to his clasped hands on the table. “We owe billions. More than we can ever find.”

My blood turns to ice at the finality in Dad’s voice. His bloodshot eyes meet mine.

“I made bad choices, Logan. Bad investments. And I lost.” He chokes on the last word, clearing his throat to conceal his emotion.

“What the hell are you talking about? You were only worried about Vex, not the rest of the business.”

Dad drags his hands down his face. I’ve never seen him so broken. The proud, successful businessman that is my father, is sitting in front of me with gray skin and a sickly yellow sheen to his eyes.

“I thought I invested in a sure thing. It was all a scam.”
