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“He’s… getting into character,” Willow said quickly. For the ball I’m throwing.”

“You’re throwing a ball?” Bo asked with raised brows.

“Yes. Next weekend. It’s a costume ball and the theme is Moonstone 1912.”

“The Moonstone closed in 1912,” Bo said. “On Halloween. When the owner died.”

“I’m well aware,” Willow said, giving Montgomery a look. “It’s anhomageto days of yore. I’ll bring your invitation by tomorrow probably.”

“Me? Oh no. I don’t do costume parties. I don’t even do Halloween except to pass out candy before the sun goes down.”

“But you have to come,” Willow pleaded. “There are never enough men at these things.”

Bo sighed. “Will there be beer?”

“My good man,” said Montgomery. “The Moonstone is known for the finest cask ales in the state.”

“He’s still in character,” said Willow. “Yes, there will be beer.”

Bo moaned. “I’ll think about it. And I can’t guarantee I’ll be in costume if I do come, so don’t get any ideas.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Willow said cheerily.

Bo grunted. “Your burgers will be right out. Just steal the ketchup from the table next to you.

“But I’m still using the ketchup,” said the elderly man at the table in question.

“You’re leaving soon,” barked Bo, and with a harumph, turned and went into the kitchen.

“Why did he call it a costume party?” asked Montgomery.

“Because the theme is 1912, and I hate to be the one to tell you this, but what you’re wearing looks like a costume.”

“It certainly does not.”

“Don’t argue with me, grandpa. We’re going shopping after this.”

Montgomery scowled, and in turn, Willow blew her straw wrapper at him.

Shortly, Bo returned with the cheeseburgers, French fries, and onion rings. Montgomery was quite overcome by the aroma but as a gentleman, he waited for Willow to begin. Willow was likewise waiting for Montgomery, for she wanted to watch him take his first bite.

“After you,” she said. “Prepare to be amazed.”

Montgomery gathered the sandwich in both hands, eyes wide. It was a beautiful cheeseburger. A juicy charbroiled patty too big for the warm buttered bun, crispy bacon poking out, and ooey gooey cheddar cheese dripping down the sides. When Montgomery’s mouth wrapped around the massive bun, Willow grinned, completely invested in his enjoyment of it. She was rewarded by a deep, guttural moan. She liked the sound of it, and decided she’d very much like to feed him more delicious things he’d never tried. Like tacos or strawberry cheesecake.

“Well?” she asked, although she knew the answer.

“It’s everything I hoped for,” he said.

He then tried the French fries and his whole face lit up. After devouring all of them, he declared he preferred the fries over the rings, but he’d enjoyed them both infinitely. Willow ended up splitting her burger in half and sharing it with Montgomery. He was hesitant to take it, but the thing was so big, she wouldn’t have been able to finish it anyway. Besides, she liked to watch him eat. He consumed his food with such unflagging joy, she could have watched him eat all day. Smiling, she tucked the memory of it away in her heart.

When he was completely satisfied, they said goodbye to Bo and headed over to the thrift store. Willow loved thrifting. She’d found her favorite items for the bookshop in thrift stores.

“Are you ready for your glow up?” she teased Montgomery, and he responded with a hard look and eyebrow raise.

She pulled all sorts of clothing from the racks, but Montgomery was drawn to dress shirts, suspenders, and vests.

“You really are a hipster, aren’t you?”
