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Cain has been the most overprotective of them all, running around in his wolf form as much as he can to make sure that no enemies are ever coming this way. I think he takes the potential threat of me being royal far more seriously than everyone else. I’m grateful because I would never want to get caught out because I was too relaxed, but it’s still too much. I want him to relax as well sometimes, and to be here more. I miss him.

Sledge steps back because he knows what will happen. Cain will come right for me, just like he always does as soon as he returns home. He misses me too, and craves seeing me first of all. I stiffen my spine, preparing myself with excitement.

“Hi, Cain.” I wiggle my fingers as he shifts back into his human form right in front of me. His eyes are fixed firmly on me. He isn’t interested in anything or anyone else around him. “How are you? It’s good to have you home…”

He doesn’t speak, and he doesn’t give me a chance to finish what I’m saying, either. He crashes his lips to mine and lets me know how much he’s missed me with the physical side of things. I get lost in his lips and the kiss too, and my thoughts shut off as well. I let my tongue invade his mouth as the passion starts to get the better of me. My heart races faster and my stomach churns with butterflies flapping all over. Maybe I might demand that Cain takes me inside where we really can be alone, and to get the other guys as well. I could use a bit of fun, even if it hasn’t been the easiest at the moment…

“Oh!” But I let out a new gasp as something different hits me. A feeling that I’ve only experienced between my thighs once before. “Shit, Cain, it’s happening. Thank God you got back when you did. My waters have broken, and I…”

Fuck, the pain hits me hard. The contraction is agonizing. I grab on to Cain’s hand hard, squeezing his fingers so hard I’m sure they’re turning white. But he doesn’t wince. He knows that he needs to be strong and in control to look after me.

“I will get the other guys,” Cain tells me quickly. “We’re here for you…”

I wait for the panic to absolutely swallow me up whole, but that doesn’t happen. I guess why would it when I have so many wonderful people helping me? I can get through this, just as I can get through anything with them by my side. I’ll have Cain reminding me how to breathe, Sledge massaging my back, Adam helping me through my emotions, and Mason making sure nothing bad happens to me the whole time. I will be fine…

* * *

I can’t stop crying,my hormones are running wild and my emotions are well and truly getting the better of me. Weirdly, I find myself sitting in the same room I remember the party being held in, all those years ago when I first met the guys… well, Mason really. I was so annoyed at being here. I thought that the whole thing was incredibly stupid. How little I knew then that I would end up living here and that it would be the happiest place on earth for me.

Kai is sitting on Mason’s lap, his favorite place to be of course, and Cain has baby Isla in his arms. I don’t know if I have ever seen him looking so in love before. Even with me. He’s mesmerized by the little bundle of joy in his arms. She looks so beautiful there as well. All innocent and lovely, in this wild world that she doesn’t yet know a thing about. But at least she’s already got the most protective family in the whole world.

Sledge has twin number two held close to his chest. Jeremiah. He’s such a sweetheart as well. The horrors of child birth are all worth it to have them here at last.

“I think you should go for a run soon,” Adam whispers lovingly into my ear. He hasn’t let go of me ever since I’ve given birth and I don’t know what I would do without his strength now. He’s holding me upwards and reminding me that I will be fine. “You know you heal much faster in your wolf form. Then you’ll be able to care for the babies better.”

I don’t really want to go anywhere, I would much rather be here with my children, caring for them forever, but I also know that Adam is right. The only way I will be able to be the best mother I can be, is if I take care of myself and heal.

“Will you come with me?” I ask as I rest my head on his shoulder. “I don’t want to go running on my own. I want to have you with me?”

Adam chuckles under his breath. “Of course I will. I wasn’t going to leave you out there on your own anyway. I’d love to keep you company.”

It’s hard to wrench myself away from my children, and the other men actually while I’m in such an emotional bubble, wanting nothing more than to be close to those I need. But my body is hurting and I do want this healing process over and done with. So I rise to my feet and walk around the room, kissing everyone. Again, I find myself admiring what I love best about them. Mason’s strength, which I can already see shining through in Kai as well, and his endurance. His dedication to anything he sets his mind to. Cain’s intense passion, he really does throw himself head first into everything that he does. My kids are lucky to see this quality growing up. I think it’ll be wonderful for them. As will Adam’s empathetic, caring side and Sledge’s fun-loving nature which has really come out of him since Kai was born.

I don’t know if our royal blood will ever become a problem for us in the future, and I don’t know if that will ever become something that we need to fight about, but with our two strong packs who will always fight for one another, and the love and bonds we have surrounding us as well, I’m not concerned. I know we’ll be fine.

“We won’t be long,” I reassure everyone, even though I know they’re fine and won’t be too concerned. They are going to love the time with the babies. “And I’ll be all good when I’m back. I will be feeling a lot better.”

They all send me on my way happily, although they’re hardly even focused on me as I go. It’s good because I know the babies will be fine. Better looked after than I could have hoped for. Even so, I’m still going to be fast…

I get an unexpected cheer as I head outside, led by Daniella, I can’t help but notice, which brings a big smile to my face. They are all my family, and this moment solidifies that. Adam slings his arm over my shoulder and makes me grin harder. It’s hard not to let tears fall because I really am overly emotional about everything.

“Thank you so much everyone,” I cry out, my voice cracking as I do. “I appreciate all of this. You are all so special to me.”

They continue clapping and cheering out my name as Adam and I head out of the compound and towards the woods where we can spread our legs and run. The closer we get, the more excited I become. It’s been a while since my wolf broke free, and I can feel how much she wants me to shift. My body transforms until I’m on all fours, padding through the woods at the speed of light. God, I feel better already. I can feel all the pain shaking off my shoulders. I can feel all the light coming back into me.

I really am the luckiest woman alive, and the faster I run, the more I feel that. The luckiest woman with the perfect life.
