Page 32 of Spook's Possession

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Fuck.I wouldn’t be finishing my senior year with Heather. We wouldn’t get to walk across the stage and hold hands as we hit one of the most significant milestones of our lives.

“There’s more,” Grim continued, “and you ain’t gonna like it, Spook.”

“Shit,” I whispered.

“Greg Sanders has connections. He’s a big player in a trafficking ring that we’re only beginning to learn about. We can’t go after him until we know what we’re dealing with, which means you have to lay low.”

“Define lay low.” My chest began to ache as the meaning of his words slowly began to sink into my brain.

“You go into WITSEC for two years.”

“What!?” I exploded. “No way!”

“You’ll return as a prospect and earn your patch after those two years. In exchange, we dig up intel on Greg Sanders and gather evidence to build a case against this trafficking ring. A risk to every member in the club.”

“Can Heather come with me?” I asked, my heart breaking at the thought of leaving her.

“No,” Macon growled. “I can’t do that. She’s my daughter, Spook.”

Closing my eyes, I fought back the wave of emotion that threatened to crash over me. “You’re ripping us apart.”

“It has to be done. In two years, you’ll be back. I won’t stop you from being together if that’s what you want.”

A lot could happen in two fucking years.

“Do I get to say goodbye?”

Grim shook his head. “No. We can’t risk it. No one knows you survived that gunshot.”

“And you think it’s better to let her believe I died? That’s fucking bullshit!” I tried to move, but Macon stood, pressing a hand on my chest.

“Pictures arrived in an envelope—a threat to the club. My daughter is in those pictures with you. She’s in danger.”

Horrified, I shook my head. “No. Fuck.” Staring into Macon’s eyes, I begged him to send her with me. “Let her come with me. We’ll be safe and together. In WITSEC, no one can find or hurt us.”

“If she disappears, we don’t know what will happen. We don’t even know who sent the envelope. It could be related to Sanders or another group. We’ve got plenty of enemies,” Grim spat. “I don’t like it either, kid, but Heather needs to stay in Tonopah with her family.”

“No one will keep her safer than the RBMC,” Wraith added.

Why did I have to leave her to keep her protected?

My heart ached as I turned my head, nodding because the words wouldn’t form to agree to this fucking disaster.

“Get dressed. We’re bustin’ you out with the shift change,” Grim ordered.

Damn. They had it all figured out.

I glanced out the window, seeing the dark sky beyond the blinds. I didn’t know what the future held, but I would do everything in my power to return to Heather and make this right.

I love you, Wildfire. Don’t let go. I’ll come back for you.
