Page 151 of Never Trust An Alpha

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Her unmistakable fear had me dropping the subject. I’d pick my battles. She was trying, and that was enough.

I released her, then stood and offered my hand to help her up. When she got to her feet, she allowed me to embrace her. I buried my nose in her hair and let her scent wash over me. The night air chilled our skin as we held each other.

“Come on, let’s head back to the manor.”

I waited for her to initiate the shift before following suit. She pushed ahead of me, turning her head often to ensure I was behind, but there was a teasing quality to it. Chancing my luck, I playfully nipped her hind legs. To my surprise and utter delight, she circled and reciprocated.

Our wolves enjoyed playing with each other. Tori had a mischievous side I’d glimpsed only briefly on our first run, and it was amazing to see it emerge again.

At the back door, we shifted again, but her face was full of disapproval. For a split second, I worried I’d pushed too far too soon, but when I looked closely, I saw that the dour expression was a cover. A glint of glee shone in her eyes.

As we made our way up the stairs, I thought she was going to go to the guest room. I wouldn’t force her to sleep in my bedroom. I’d prefer it, of course, but I’d leave the choice up to her. To my relief and gratification, though, she followed me into my room and slipped between the sheets, exactly where she belonged.



I was in Ridge’s bathroom, combing my hair. I’d slept in his bed again, with him curled around me. All the way up the stairs last night, I’d argued with myself that I should sleep in the guest room. Ridge had to be getting sick of me taking over his space, so he should be able to sleep in his own bed without me being attached to his hip—or more accurately, his cock. But after everything that had happened, I needed the extra comfort, at least for a while longer.

I slept much better when I was the little spoon to his big spoon, but I couldn’t be selfish for much longer. I’d grab a few more nights of deep sleep at his side, and then I’d redraw the boundaries. Ridge was too nice of a guy to enforce them, but I couldn’t keep doing this to us anymore.

I was falling for him. I couldn’t deny it any longer. I’d have been an idiot not to fall for him. He was everything I hadn’t known I’d needed in a man: he was kind, handsome, a fantastic alpha, and the sex was freaking awesome. But I couldn’t afford to fall any harder because we’d need to cut off our fake engagement soon. The longer we kept up the ruse, the harder it would be to answer the townspeople when we broke up. Otherwise, Ridge would have to shell out a shit-ton of money for a wedding that would never take place just to avoid suspicion. The townspeople were already waiting for the wedding invitations.

Realistically, though, my sleeping in another room and separating us sooner rather than later was more about self-preservation than anything else. Protecting my heart and mind. It would hurt a lot more if I allowed myself to fall entirely head over heels for Ridge because I already believed there’d be no other man for me. I wasn’t the right woman for him, though my wolf didn’t agree with that. She bristled and grumbled that he was all we needed and didn’t understand my rationale. Ridge needed someone who could be an alpha’s mate, a mayor’s wife, and that wasn’t me.

I took longer with the eyeliner and eyeshadow than usual, wanting to look my best when I met Ridge’s aunt. Even though we weren’t really engaged, I still wanted to make a good impression on her, and a little extra primping helped settle my nerves. I kept telling myself I shouldn’t be so nervous, that this wasn’t anything important or meaningful to Ridge. He wasn’t taking me there to meet his family. He wanted to show me what a feral shifter looked like when they didn’t keep the balance between themself and their inner wolf.

I needed to see it for myself. I could be in the same boat in the near future if I wasn’t careful. Ridge was always doing things that would help me grow. He was preparing me for life as a shifter without him.

The thought stung—and my wolf yowled so loudly, I flinched—but I had to remind myself that we were just playing house, that this wasn’t real. No matter how badly I wished it to be.

Ridge knocked on the door and strolled into the bathroom, looking suave and hot as always. His sexy smirk was plastered across his face, and he looked like a cat that ate the canary. His smirk turned into a warm smile when he spotted the ring on my finger and lifted my hand to his mouth so he could kiss it. Since we’d returned from our run last night, he’d been smiling and eyeing the ring nonstop.

“You look ravishing, but that’s nothing new.” He twirled me and pulled me into his arms for a deep, sensual kiss.

His touch, kisses, and anything involving him were more intense and exciting than they had a right to be. Our relationship felt like the farthest thing from a fake one. I’d never experienced this before, and something deep inside me said I’d never experience it again—only with Ridge.

The kiss deepened, and Ridge’s hands started roaming in places that would stop us from leaving the house at a reasonable time. I’d also have to redo my carefully applied makeup, so I broke the kiss despite my wolf snarling at me to continue.

“The shower glass is still broken.” I pointed at his shower.

My face heated as I remembered why the glass was broken. Pushing him through the glass wasn’t my proudest moment, but it had been fair play. He’d surprised me by mentioning my wolf when I hadn’t realized he was a shifter. I’d still been so scared of my wolf, believing that part of me to be a monster. Lacking any balance, my feral side had exerted much more control. Panicked and believing he was a threat, I’d pushed him off me and through the shower glass.

Maybe he shouldn’t have brought up my wolf when I was naked and vulnerable in a stranger’s shower. Yes, we’d had amazing sex the night before, but I hadn’t known more about him than his name and that he was the mayor.

Laughing, Ridge leaned back and put his arm across my shoulders, pulling me into him as he studied my handiwork. “I’ll move bathroom renovations up on my to-do list because it does look bad. You’re a fierce she-wolf.”

Blushing, I elbowed him in the side. He kissed my temple. “Are you ready?”

Taking one last look in the mirror, I shrugged. “As I’ll ever be, I guess.”

My palms were damp with nerves. I wanted to make a great first impression, and I wanted her to like me.

I didn’t question why I wanted Ridge’s only family to like me so badly.

“You’re beautiful. Everything will be fine.” He kissed me again and led me out of the bathroom and then the manor.

We passed several family portraits on our way to the front door, and a thought popped into my mind. “Ridge, do you think the hunters know your family history?”
