Page 179 of Never Trust An Alpha

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“Audrey Greenthorne.”

Ridge smirked and winked at me while Kyle balked. “Didn’t you just tell me the Greenthornes were the ones who might get people to kill me? Why would you have one of them watch me?”

I shook my head, still laughing. “Their daughter, Audrey, she’s a female shifter about my age. You might remember her; she was taken hostage along with Ridge. Well, she won’t be gunning for your death.”

Kyle narrowed his eyes at me. “That manicured hellion literally tried to gun for me when she was in the compound. This is a horrible idea. The moment I turn my head from her, she’s gonna shoot me.”

Ridge and the sheriff didn’t look too perturbed by that idea, making me want to smack them both upside the head.

Surprisingly, it was Ridge who said, “I agree, little wolf. Audrey might be the right call. She’s a strong shifter. And when she finds out what her parents are planning, she’ll be extremely against their motives. She proved herself more than capable when we were in the compound, and she can handle herself if things go sideways. She wants to do whatever she can to help, and this is a big help.”

I appreciated that Ridge had my back on this. I’d figured he and Clawson would argue that they needed a big powerful male to do this task, which I was ready to fight tooth and claw over. But I’d built up the steam for nothing.

Clawson rubbed his brow and agreed. “We’ll have Audrey keep an eye on Kyle somewhere secure in town that isn’t the jail. Do either of you have any ideas on where that should be? Because I don’t.”

That question had me stumped, but only because I wasn’t as familiar with this town and the places that could potentially hide a hunter.

Ridge rubbed the back of his neck, not looking excited about what he was going to suggest. “Christie and Martin probably won’t expect the hunter to be staying at the manor. It would make sense to them that I’d want to keep him far away from me. They’d think I’d be afraid to have him around in case people saw him. I don’t know how long the Greenthornes will float this threat over our heads. They like the idea of lording their supposed power over me, hoping I’ll squirm. It could be days before they follow through on trying to pull a stunt. Those bastards don’t care about the lives they’re playing with.”

As he spoke, Ridge’s body tensed, and his voice got deeper as his anger slipped out a little. The idea of his pack being in danger already had him on edge, but add into the mix those two dastardly excuses for people who were only greedy and power-hungry? It had to make Ridge think they were no better than his ancestors, and here they were, in his pack.

“The manor has plenty of guest rooms,” Ridge said. “Audrey can keep an eye on Kyle there for now.”

I grinned at Ridge. It looked like he’d lightened up some. On the other hand, Kyle hadn’t stopped glaring. I could read him well, and he was trying to show that he wasn’t a threat to the shifters, or at least not anymore. He’d gotten what he wanted—to be reunited with me.

I had a lot of emotions and thoughts to unpack with that realization, but it still had me bubbling up with all the good, happy feelings.The two of us had a long way to go to return to a semblance of normal. I’d be really naïve to think we’d ever get back what we’d lost, but I was hopeful enough that we’d have a tighter, stronger bond because we chose it for ourselves. Not because we were raised to have it.

“The manor sounds good to me,” Clawson said. “I’ll get in touch with Audrey and take her and Kyle to your place. It’s best if you two hit the town and fulfill your mayoral and fiancée duties. Make sure the Greenthornes see you. That way, they won’t get suspicious of what’s happening.”

Ridge clapped Clawson on the back. “Thanks for the help.”

Clawson grunted as he left. Ridge winked at me and held out his hand. “The End of Summer Town Fundraiser is starting in the town square, little wolf. We need to make our appearances.”

Nodding without hesitation, I took his hand as he helped me out of my seat. He turned and gave Kyle a last warning look before he guided me out the door.

Looking over my shoulder, I smiled at my brother. “Don’t worry. We’ll get this all squared away. I’m glad to have you back.”

Kyle glared at my and Ridge’s intertwined fingers, but when he looked at me, his eyes softened. “I’m glad I found you.”

I gave him an enormous grin and followed Ridge out the door.

Outside, we peered down the street. It was a beautiful day with everything in full swing: the sun shone bright, the birds sang, and the atmosphere was vibrant. As we walked, the smiling faces of people of all ages warmed me. Children ran around and played games, and the sounds of pure laughter and joy delighted my heart. It was like straight out of a movie.

The colors, the sounds, and the emotions all came together so perfectly, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for being alive and being here to experience it all. The high sun cast a golden glow over everything. Cementing the movie-like moment, a flock of birds burst into the sky, soaring and dancing in the air. It took my breath away.

My brother’s warnings of William and Giselle’s plan had terrified me. There was so much to lose.Many of the people milling around here were shifters who didn’t know how precarious of a situation they were in. They didn’t know that their very existence was in question, which, now that I knew better, they’d hate to lose. Being a shifter was part of their identity, and if it was stolen from them, what would happen? Sure, Zander didn’t have his memories, but was that permanent? What if he never got his memories back? Would he eventually start to realize that he wasn’t whole, that a part of him was missing? There were too many what-ifs, and it was scary.

Ridge guided me along, but when he noticed my hesitation, he diverted and walked me over to a bench under a tree, away from everyone.

“What’s going on, little wolf?” he asked when we sat down.

My emotions regarding Ridge were all over the place. A part of me hated that he could gauge me so well, and another part was thrilled by it. My wolf didn’t help with my confusion, either; Ridge and his wolf enthralled her. There was no swaying her, and the idea of our leaving still had her up in arms.

It had slowly been trickling through that I also hated the idea, but what choice did I have? Once everyone was aware of my past, it wouldn’t matter what I wanted. No one in town would want me around, knowing I’d been involved with the hunters in some capacity.

It also wouldn’t be fair to Ridge. He might trust me, but that trust would put him at odds with the shifters in the town, the people he was trying so hard to protect. There were many more of them than there were of me.

“Look at them over there,” I said. “The happy and carefree atmosphere has me anxious about the Greenthornes’ threats and what dangers are lurking just beyond this town. This is supposed to be a safe place, yet it’s on the brink of war. Hell, shifters could potentially go extinct, thanks to that dark witch and the hunters. I can’t stop playing out all the what-ifs in my head.”
