Page 13 of Emotional Descent

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“I know where you live but you don’t want me to have your number.”

Keiris lifted the glass and drank more, shaking her head after she swallowed. “If you show up I don’t have to let you in.”

“If I call or text, you don’t have to answer or respond.”

She grinned. “If you show up, it’s easy for me to call the cops and report a creepy guy in all black hovering outside my house.”

I chuckled, leaning closer. “If I call or text, you can block me.”

“And you can call or text from another number which can get exhausting if I have to keep blocking you. Phone, please.”

I removed the device from the table, unlocked it, and slid it her way, getting a smile before she also gave an animated, “Thank you.”

She swiped a few times then glared at the screen.

“Where are your food apps?”

“Second screen.”

“Ahhh, got it.” She swiped with a thumb while she casually sipped wine. Watching the process was oddly soothing, and again, comfortable like her damn house. That was when I realized why it bothered me so much. Her house felt like a home.

A home I hadn’t had since I was a kid before my mother left but barely even then. She wasn’t maternal and she wasn’t affectionate with my father, at least not that I remembered, which was why it bothered me so much that my mother leaving had cut him so deeply.

“It’s late, our options are limited. Any…” She paused and when my eyes found hers, the way she stared back bothered me. Concern was etched in her expression. “What’s wrong?”


“You look upset.”

“You’re making me buy you dinner and refuse to share your wine.” I forced a smile and hers surfaced slowly after.

“You forced your way into my house with the offer of buying me dinner. You’re a little confused on the facts, Balor Allen.” The way she said my name with such familiarity and candor rubbed me wrong also but I fought to keep those feelings pushed down deep.

“I was saying, it’s late, so our options are limited. Do you have any suggestions?”

“What do you like?”

“Food.” She grinned lazily at me and drank more wine.Damn I like her.

“Phat Fish is open until midnight. If you’re cool with that…”

Her entire spirit lit up over the mention of fish. I almost laughed at the enthusiasm. “Oh, I love them. I haven’t had it in a while.”

After a few minutes of swiping and tapping she extended the phone back to me. I added my order, paid, and waited for confirmation before I locked the device.

“Twenty-five to thirty minutes.”

Keiris groaned like I told her the food would never arrive. “My stomach just growled because of the wait. I was fine before you mentioned it.”

“That’s how shit goes.”

“Since you’re hereuninvited, do I get an explanation of what you needed a distraction from?”

I tossed the idea of being honest around in my head then decided against it. She didn’t know me or my family so it wouldn’t matter. I also likely wouldn’t see her after tonight was the follow up thought, but that was a lie. I would see her because I wanted to. I almost felt like I needed to.

“Family shit.”

“Family shit can be exhausting so I’ll give you a pass. But why me? You’re a very nice looking man. A bit pushy and mean but still nice looking and women love an angsty, tortured soul that comes in a good-looking package. Why show up here when there are plenty of available women who would be open to buyingyoudinner?”
