Page 2 of Fury

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And if something was going to go down, he would be ready with his guns held high. So, he’d done some of his own research, made sure he was prepared to have a bargaining chip of his own.

It was twisted and screwed up, but it was what he was going to do to ensure his club and the men within it were safe, that no one was going to get the upper hand over them.

Fury had never been one to jump headfirst and think later, but he was certainly doing it this time around. He might not give a shit if what he did was considered wrong or immoral. Hell, he did illegal shit all the time, but he thought about it first, made a plan, and then acted.

But when it came to getting his vengeance on the Cardona gang, what he’d done was just act first and he’d worry about shit afterward. Taking Angelina Cardona and doing with her whatever the fuck he wanted, while getting information out of her, seemed like a pretty good fucking idea to him.

But that was just it.Hethought it was a good idea. The club didn’t, because, hell, they didn’t know what he was up to. They didn’t need to know until he had the information he wanted.

It was going behind his MC’s back, wrong because of their code of ethics, but he had to do what he had to do.

He’d seen strange cars sitting across from the clubhouse, and could have sworn people followed him, watched him. If nothing came from this, and it was all in his head, Fury would deal with that. But until then, until he knew for sure what in the hell was going on, he was going to fucking do this.

He needed leverage, backup, and having Angelina would ensure that if shit got dark, he’d have a pawn. And hey, he’d get something out of it, too. It was a fucked-up move on his part. He knew that.

He didn’t hurt women or children, and although he wasn’t about to beat her, kill her, or do anything else that would be retribution over what the Cardona gang had done, the MC was the most important thing to him. He’d do anything to ensure they stayed protected, and Angelina would be what he would use to make sure that happened.

Maybe the dark car around Angelina wasn’t about her at all. Maybe it was actually someone from Fury’s past coming to get payback, which was a possibility given the life Fury had led. There were plenty of people that wanted a piece of him, to get back, get even, if they ever found him. He’d burnt a lot of bridges in his day.

Or it might all be nothing, and I’m so fucking wrapped up in my own delusions that I am losing my mind.

Whenever he watched her, Fury didn’t wear his MC attire. He’d already taken off his cut, not about to have the club implicated in this. They knew nothing of what he was doing, and he wasn’t about to fuck them over because he had this burning desire to get even.

Maybe if he’d brought it to the club they would have agreed and sanctioned what he was doing, but he couldn’t risk them voting it down. He had to do this, and until it was completed, it was a dark, burning need inside of him.

He pulled his baseball cap down lower, pulled up the lapels on the jacket he’d thrown on, and got out of the SUV to follow her. He kept an eye on the car that was tailing her, as well, but they kept a good distance from her.

He couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t easy on the eyes, and that made watching her, stalking her, that much easier. She was fucking gorgeous, but when his cock started to get hard thinking about her, he told himself whose daughter she was.

That was like ice water on a fire to him. But who the fuck was he kidding? It wasn’t like it got rid of his hard-on fully.

He might not know exactly what he’d do with Angelina Cardona once he had her, not fully at least, but he wasn’t thinking that far in advance. The only thing he was focused on was making sure he had leverage if her father, Sal, somehow came back from the dead, which was a pretty good fucking possibility.

Tonight was the night he’d get some fucking answers.


Angelina had felt that prickling on the back of her neck the entire walk home, but she felt safe now, better that she was in her home with the doors locked. Was this shit all in her head?

Was she so paranoid that the more she thought about what was out there, the more she worked herself up?

Rubbing a hand over her face, she set her purse and jacket on the kitchen table and went over to the fridge. Wine sounded good right about now, that and a hot bubble bath. Maybe the alcohol and soaking in the tub would help alleviate some of her tension?

Angelina took the bottle, a glass, and headed upstairs. She hated living this life where she felt like she was on a ledge and the slightest wind would push her right off into a bottomless pit.

It was par for the course, she supposed, but Angelina just wanted a normal life. She didn’t want to be known as the daughter of Sal, a fucked-up man that terrorized people, or the sister of a Cardona that enjoyed torturing his enemies for the sheer fun of hearing them scream.

Exhaling and setting the bottle of wine on the counter, she started the water and poured a capful of bubbles into the tub. She didn’t know how long she stood there, but the room started to get warm and moist from the humidity in the air, and she felt beads of perspiration start to dot her forehead.

Removing her shirt, she tossed it in the hamper, her mind thick with that worry that she’d never have the quiet life she’d always wanted.

Angelina didn’t want to be anyone who was instantly recognizable when she walked down the street, ate at a restaurant, or shopped in a store. She didn’t want to be anyone at all, in fact

But she supposed it was what it was. Sooner or later, she’d be found, because she couldn’t hide forever, especially if the Cardonas wanted to find her.


Fury picked the lock, let himself into Angelina’s place, and shut the door quietly behind him. He stood there for a second, listening to the sounds in the house and hearing the water running in the bathroom.
