Page 20 of Fury

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This was what she needed to do in order to finally be where she wanted, even if that meant staying in this cabin with the man that had kidnapped her.



That word played over and over again in Fury’s head. The ground was cold and hard beneath him, and when he opened his eyes the pain in his temples was something fierce. He rolled onto his back and stared at the bathroom ceiling.

He’d passed out on the fucking floor like an amateur.

Fucking hell.

What time was it even? How long had he been out?

Fury pushed himself off the ground, sitting against the wall, the room spinning as he was still fucking drunk.


He rubbed a hand over his face, felt pain assault him from lying on the floor for God knew how long, and finally managed to stand. He braced his hands on the sink and hung his head, just standing there for several seconds.

Finally lifting his head and staring at his reflection in the mirror, he groaned at the way he looked.

His face was covered in dark scruff, really only a day or two from a full beard. He had dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, and his hair was fucked up. He was still a little drunk, but felt like shit as his hangover was starting to really take root.

Splashing some water on his face, Fury grabbed a hand towel and wiped himself off. The glint of silver caught his peripheral vision, and he turned his head to look into the hallway.

All he could do was stare at the chain and lock on the floor.

He didn’t move,didn’t even comprehend what he was looking at for long seconds. And then it hit him.

That’s the chain and lock that are supposed to be attached to Angelina.

He looked toward the bedroom, and then toward the living room.


Pushing the door all the way open until it slammed into the wall, he hauled ass down the hallway and toward the front door. Who knew how much of a head start she’d gotten, and although he should have been pissed off she was gone, all Fury could think about was if she was okay.

The forest surrounding the cabin was treacherous in a lot of areas, with sudden drop-offs and steep hills. If she wasn’t careful and her fear took control, she could get really fucking hurt.

He heard the sound of something sizzling right before the scent of food slammed into him. Fury rounded the corner and stood in the kitchen, seeing the back of Angelina. Two pots were on the stove, one with steam rising up from it, the other cooking meat.

She looked over her shoulder at him, the fear clear on her face as she slowly turned around.

“You’re finally awake,” she whispered, holding a ladle.

Fury looked between her face and the ladle covered in what appeared to be spaghetti sauce on it.

She is still here, even though she’s not chained up? What the fuck?

He scrubbed a hand over the back of his head, not sure what was going on. “What the hell?” he asked.

She shrugged, and the expression on her face showed she was just as confused as he was. “I thought about leaving, was at the front door, too, but something in me had me stopping.”

This was the craziest thing to ever happen to him, and he’d had one crazy as hell life. “So, you thought staying with the man that drugged and kidnapped you was a better option than taking your chances out there?”

She shrugged again. “It’s fucked up, believe me I know.”

His head was spinning, and pain started behind his eye. Fury didn’t know where to proceed. She was either stupid or scared of being out there. Either way he didn’t know if keeping her here was the best option. Of course, he’d thought of letting her go, but he’d always shut that option down.
