Page 3 of Fury

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Like clockwork she was in there bathing. He moved into the kitchen, saw she’d left the cabinet open to the glasses, and turned to head into the living room. Everything was silent, and he hadn’t seen that vehicle following her anymore.

His blood pumped through his veins, and adrenaline and wild energy filled his very cells. He anticipated this, had been following her around long enough, and now was the time he’d get what he came for.

Removing the small bottle that held chloroform and the rag from his pocket, he looked down at the glass jar. He’d bought it easily enough from some less than savory people he knew. Fury had always just used physical violence to make his point, but he wouldn’t do that with a female.

He made his way down the hallway, his boots making a soft thud on the carpet. Stopping when he was right in front of the bathroom door, Fury stood there a moment, hearing the water being turned off.

A second later the sound of her stepping into the tub played out, and he couldn’t help the sudden arousal that slammed through him. Hell, he was a man, and she was a naked woman on the other side of the door. There would be plenty of time for playing with her, though, once he got back to his place.

And then he heard music playing from behind the bathroom door. It was classical, something sad sounding, and although maybe he should have felt like a piece of shit for what he was about to do, he didn’t care.

He had to do this for his MC, to get back at those Cardona fuckers.

He waited about fifteen minutes before grabbing the handle and pushed it inward. The door opened soundlessly. He stood in the doorway, staring at the bathroom, steam dissipating the longer the door was ajar. Angelina was with her back to him as she dried off.

He looked at her nude body, her big, round ass, and the olive complexion of her skin. She lifted her foot, braced it on the tub and started drying off her leg. He could see the side view of her big breasts, the mounds swaying gently as she continued to dry herself and hum with the music.

He stood there for several moments, doing nothing but watching her, feeling the dark arousal move through him, but knowing right now he was here for a job.

She was unaware of him still, and that would make this go a lot easier.

Taking the rag and bottle, he poured a generous amount of chloroform on the cloth, tucked the jar in his back pocket again, and took the few steps it required getting to her.

Once he was right behind her, feeling her body heat, smelling the scent of lavender come from her, he felt his cock give another hard jerk. He looked his fill once more. She had curves that went on for fucking miles.

Getting back at her will help get back at those motherfuckers that hurt the club.

Fury could admit to being a lowdown motherfucker a lot of the time, but he’d never kidnapped a female and used her as a bargaining tool to get back at anyone. He wasn’t a woman or child abuser, and sure as fuck wasn’t a rapist.

But what he did know was that he could get this pretty little Italian girl to want him before their time was up. Yeah, he didn’t doubt she’d want his cock, beg him for it, too.

He grinned at that thought.

He saw her body tense, and knew she was aware of him standing right behind her. She straightened and slowly turned around. For a second she just stared at him, her eyes wide, her fear clear.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said in a voice that he knew was deep and dark, and promising a hell of a lot of things she was terrified of. Fury covered her nose and mouth with the rag. She started to struggle instantly. Looking up at him with wide, scared eyes, she fought him, trying to pry his hands and the rag away.

But despite her courage and will to survive, he outweighed her and overpowered her easily.

Within a few moments her struggle lessened, her eyes became heavy, and then she was finally out.

Fury picked her up before she fell to the ground, grabbed the towel, and covered her haphazardly with it. For just a second he stared down at her. Her black hair was matted to her face, the wet strands looking like spilled ink. She looked peaceful, in a drugged kind of way.

He lowered his gaze to her mouth, her lips full and red, and slightly parted as she breathed evenly.

“Get it the fuck together,” he said to himself and left the bathroom. Setting her on the bed, he grabbed a bag from the closet and shoved some clothing in it for her. He was a bastard for taking her, but at least she could have some of her shit while he kept her captive.

He stilled, ran a hand over his hair, and looked at her. Was he really this fucked up that he’d resorted to drugging and taking a woman just to get back at someone who fucked with his club?

But he shook his head, pushing those thoughts away. He’d do anything for his club.



Angelina slowly opened her eyes, the act harder than it should have been. Her head ached something fierce, and the pain behind her eyes was stinging enough she closed them once again and breathed through the discomfort.

After a few moments she opened them again. The first thing she realized was she was in a bedroom … that wasn’t hers.
