Page 51 of Fury

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“But I don’t want you worrying about it, okay? You’ve been through enough, and it’s my fault—”

She kissed him, stopping him from saying anything else. “No more blame being cast except where it’s due, and that’s at the men that did this to us and Allie.”

It had only been a week since all the shit had gone down with her father, but things were settling. Fury had gotten her out of her shitty apartment and into his, and although it was small, she felt safe here.

In due time she’d look for something bigger, maybe an apartment for herself, or one she could share with the man she loved.

“You know I love you so fucking much?”

She smiled at the deepness in his voice, the genuine love he had for her.

“I love you, too.”

This life could be pretty shitty, but Angelina had never felt more at ease or where she belonged than she did right here, right now, and with Fury.

That couldn’t be wrong or bad.

The only thing she needed to focus on was making sure she enjoyed her freedom, because a lot had been lost to gain it.
