Page 6 of Fury

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“You’re not as good a liar as you may think. If Sal’s alive, he’ll want something to do with you, especially after he realizes what I plan on doing.”

If Sal’s alive?

She swallowed again, not knowing if that information should have made her happy or slightly unnerved. Her father was a hard man to kill, and she knew since she’d witnessed three attempts to take him out.

“What do you plan on doing with me?” Angelina was afraid to ask, but she found herself posing the question anyway.

He smirked again. “Baby, you’re what I’ll be using in case shit goes ugly again with the Cardonas. And if it’s nothing,” he said almost to himself, “then I’ll still have some fun with you.”

She felt her eyes widen. “Please,” she said and shook her head. “You don’t have to do this. I don’t know anything.” She felt her tears fall then. “My father never told me anything. I was just his daughter, not worthy of Family business.” He had to believe her.

But his smile faded and he looked pissed. “I deserve my vengeance because your father and his men hurt someone close to me.”

She shook her head, thinking of all kinds of horrifying things this man planned on doing with her, to her.

She’d rather die than let any of that happen.


Fury shut the bedroom door behind him and locked it, feeling like a motherfucker. Angelina had been terrified, her tears like a hot poker right through his gut. He’d never been so cold and callous to a female, never had to threaten one, make her cry.

Despite the fact he couldn’t let her go, and that he’d need her for his own personal gain, Fury still felt like a dirty bastard.

He headed into the kitchen of the two-bedroom cabin he’d brought her to. It was owned by the MC, one that was rarely used unless they needed to get away from shit or needed a place to crash while things calmed down.

Fury grabbed a bottle of scotch and a glass out of the cabinet. He just finished pouring the cup full when his cell went off. He stepped out onto the porch before answering it. No need for the club to hear her scream out if she knew someone might be able to hear.

“Yeah?” he said, and took a drink of the liquor. He leaned against the porch banister and stared at the thick expanse of forest that lined all angles of the house. The cabin was out in the middle of nowhere, situated on enough property that it ensured no one else would be close enough to hear or see them.

“Man, where you at?” Stone, one of the members of the MC asked. The sound of the other member inhaling and exhaling came through before Fury spoke.

“I had business to take care of.” Fury may be the president of the MC, but shit still needed to be brought to the club for a vote.

He also shouldn’t have just up and left without at least telling them where he was. But telling them he was at the cabin meant one of them might come up here unannounced. That, he couldn’t have. Even though the club did some shady shit, if the members knew he was holding a woman here against her will, hell would rain down.

“You at the cabin?” Stone asked, and Fury cursed internally. He didn’t answer right away, just drank more scotch. “I’ll take your silence as affirmation.” Stone exhaled again.

“Birdie doing any better?” Just thinking about his lifelong friend wounded because of what the Cardonas did to him had rage engulfing him again. Fury didn’t get his club name because he kept his anger in check.

“The same,” Stone said.

“The club doctor say anything about his recovery?” Birdie was back at the club, and their back alley physician was helping to get the newly patched-in member on the up and up.

“Nothing new, but you know Birdie is a tough bastard.”

Fury nodded even though he was alone. Birdie was one hardcore motherfucker. He’d saved Fury’s life back in the day, something the club didn’t know. But even though Fury owed his life to his friend, that wasn’t the only reason he was doing what he was. The club had been hit, and Birdie had been injured.

That meant retribution.

He clenched his jaw and stared at his half empty cup. “I got business to take care of. I don’t want anyone coming up here, got it?”

“Yeah, Prez, got it.” A moment of silence passed. “But if you need backup—”

“I don’t.” He disconnected the call and turned away from the woods. He stared at the window that led to the room Angelina was currently tied up in. It was time to get this party started. He didn’t know how far he was going to go to push Angelina, but he had to fucking start this shit.


She didn’t know how long he’d left her alone, but it seemed like forever even though it couldn’t have been more than half an hour. Her arms had since gone numb, and the harder she struggled, the tighter the knots became.
