Page 7 of Fury

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He had either been in the Navy, or he had done this before.

The latter made her blood run even colder.

The door swung open, and she still struggled, her flight or fight instinct running wild in her. Even though it seemed fruitless, she wasn’t about to just lie here and wait for him to rape, torture, or kill her.

He came into the room holding a plate and a cup of what looked like water. He set it on the dresser, then opened one of the drawers and started rummaging through it. She stared at his back, not about to say anything because it might make things worse, but also not wanting to be the victim, even if she was.

She needed to be strong. She’d grown up with the Cardonas, and that meant she didn’t take shit from anyone.

“Even if I wanted to help you bring my father down, I don’t know anything about him that could help.” He didn’t say anything and kept his back to her. “I won’t let you rape me. I’ll fight.” He turned around then, holding a length of chain, a shackle, and a lock.

Her heart stilled, her throat tightened, and she felt sweat instantly bloom on her forehead. Were her eyes as wide as they felt?

“Rape you?” he said low, deadly, as if those words pissed him off. He moved toward her once more. “I don’t need to rape women.”

She watched him set the lock and chain on the bed. He started undoing the rope, and she knew she had to stay strong, to show him she wouldn’t take this like some weak victim.

Once he had her legs free, she bent her knees, about to kick him. But Fury let out this low, almost inhuman sound, and pressed his hand down on her legs, stilling her with so little effort. The hard, cold look on his face had her freezing. “Behave.”

She didn’t move, didn’t even breathe.

“You understand me, Angelina? You fucking behave. I can make this a hell of a lot worse for you if you fucking fight me.”

Her throat tightened even more, nausea assaulted her, and she wanted to scream out from it all. But she nodded, wanting to live even if she’d told him she’d rather die.

He stared at her hard for another long second, and then attached the shackle, chain, and lock around her ankle.

He then moved up the bed and started undoing the rope around her wrists. He was so close, the scent of whatever cologne and the leather vest he wore dark and intense. Or maybe it was just the scent of him, like violence personified.

Once her hands were free, she rubbed them, her focus trained on Fury still. He took a step back, glared at her for a suspended moment, and then turned and grabbed the plate and glass from the dresser before heading back toward her.

“Sit up and eat something.” He sounded so cold, and as much as she’d told herself she’d fight, she also needed to play it smart.

Sitting up on the bed, she looked at the plate he’d set down in front of her. It was just a sandwich and a handful of chips, and although she didn’t know how long she’d been out, she wasn’t hungry.

Her stomach clenched in disgust, and when she looked up at him it was to see Fury standing there with his arms crossed once more and that stoic expression on his face.

“I’m not hungry,” she said in a low voice.

“You need to eat or you’ll be sick.”

She looked at the food again and felt like throwing up. “I already feel sick.”

“It’s the chloroform. Drink the water and try to eat and you’ll feel better. It’ll help flush your system.”

She looked at him again. He obviously wanted her better so he could do all the depraved shit to her, and as much as she wanted to claw his eyes out, she found herself picking up the sandwich and taking a bite.

For several minutes he just stood there watching her eat. She had the chain and shackle around her ankle, but it wasn’t attached to anything. The longer she stared at the length of the chain, the more she thought about if she could use it as a weapon.

“Don’t think about it,” he said, as if reading her mind.

She looked up at him, knowing her eyes were wide with fear and shock.

“Even if you hit me over the head with the chain it wouldn’t bring me down.” He looked like a mean motherfucker.

She set the sandwich down and kept her focus on him. “Why don’t you just do what you plan on doing to me and get it over with?” She was scared to death, but thought she was doing a good job of trying to look strong.

He didn’t move, didn’t show emotions, and for long seconds continued to watch her. “Do what I’m going to do to you?”
