Page 50 of Ghost Dick

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Fallon walked out in that exact moment, mortified. She didn’t flip out, but she was not happy.

I explained to Fallon later that we really dodged a bullet there. Hails could have asked why Mommy killed grandma Joanie?

Could you fucking imagine? I can’t wait for the day when she does ask. I’ll tell her the epic story of that fateful night.

So in short. Yes, the donut dick is still on the driveway.

Mark is actually a really good grandpa. He loves hanging out with the kid. They spend hours playing in the cemetery.

Harper is still Harper. I think she talks more since shacking up with her new guy, if that’s even possible. Fallon and Harper won’t tell me who the guy is. I’ve tried to sneak in when they are talking, but Fallon can feel me as soon as I enter in my spirit form, and they immediately stop talking.

In other news related to Harper, they finally buried her mom. That only took ten years. I haven’t seen her yet, but Fallon says she’s still adjusting and needs more space to process it all.

That’s all I got.

I’m going to go enjoy the rest of the night with my kid and woman before I need to head out and scare that motherfucker once and for all.

You’ve got our story. Now fuck off.

“Daddy, say please.” Hails stomps her foot at me.

“Sorry about that, Hails. Now, please fuck off. Is that better?”

Smiling back at me, “Yes. Thank you, daddy.”

You heard the girl.

Now, please fuck off.

