Page 103 of Bite of Pain

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“Want some water?” he offered. I nodded. He stood and left me. While he was gone, I prayed no one else would come over to me. As he walked toward me with a bottle of water, I overheard two other guys talking.

“What are you doing, man?” a man asked him. He kept walking toward me and ignored the men behind him.

“Garrett’s playing the Daddy Dom role,” the other man said. They disappeared when the man crouched in front of me.

He held up the bottle so I could see the lid and he pointed to the seal.

“Water is safe. It hasn’t been opened.” Breaking the seal, the man twisted the cap off, then handed me the bottle. I sipped eagerly and almost drank the entire bottle.

“Thank you,” I said.

“You’re sure you wanted what those men did?” he asked again.

I nodded and then looked over my shoulder at the clipboard on the table. I gestured toward it with my head.

“I consented,” I explained.

The man looked at the table in the entryway and then back at me.

“With your voice?”

I frowned.

“My signature.”

The man stayed near me while I finished the water and then he took the bottle from my hands.

“You can leave anytime you want,” he said as he stood. I nodded, and he walked away, leaving me to my thoughts.

While Stuart’s finger was almost too much for me, the spanking felt incredible. I had desperately needed that. Part of me loved the way he took control and embarrassed me in front of others. This was kind of like it was in the clubs but different. Especially since we hadn’t talked or negotiated it beforehand. But I supposed that was part of the thrill.

Stuart said they’d break me in tonight. What did that mean? What else was coming my way? The door was right there. I could leave. But did I want to?

Chapter 2


I slowly took a deep breath as I leaned against the wall and watched a group of people playing. By day, this was probably a formal dining room, but tonight it was a room for raunchy play. The young man was bent over and carelessly restrained to the long oak table. He took whatever he was given and thanked each Top who'd played with him.

With my arms folded across my chest and hands gripping my sleeves, I looked at how impetuously this young man had been laid out on display. One of my eyes twitched as I focused on his restraints. It appeared heavy twine was used to restrain his legs to the table legs. Even from a distance, I could see that the twine was digging into his skin. His arms were stretched out in front of him with the same twine wrapped tightly around his wrists, keeping his hands together. Attached to the twine between his hands was the hook to a bungee cord with the other end dangerously lodged at the end of the table.

As the man was paddled, I watched the bungee hook move. Just about any jarring movement could cause it to come loose and snap back to hit the young man in the face. I stepped forward and pulled the bungee hook from the edge of the table it had been teetering on. I set the end on top of the table and left the room. At least the bottom would most likely leave with his face intact.

Some private parties in the area were really good.

And some were like this.

I made my way to the kitchen and living room area, wondering how much longer I’d be able to stand being here. I’d agreed to attend because the host, Stuart, had been a long-time member of Club Oxygen. His attendance had become sparse as of late, and when I asked him about it, he mentioned he preferred hosting private parties. If he didn’t employ someone with their head firmly on their shoulders to monitor these parties for safety, he was going to end up in a lawsuit.

After grabbing a bottle of water, I leaned on the kitchen counter and looked into the living room. In the center, a bottom was being attached to the large St. Andrew’s cross.

“Hey, James.” I looked at Garrett as he walked toward me with a bottle of beer in his hand. It was as though he knew what I was thinking. “Don’t worry. I’m not participating. I’m just here to watch,” he added.

“Find anything exciting?” I asked him.

The handful of times I had seen him in Club Oxygen, he was always a voyeur. Aside from Club Oxygen, he belonged to another group that participated mainly in consensual non-consensual play. It was a tight-knit group, and with that type of play, they had no choice but to abide by the rules.

“No. Not really. I think there are three bottoms here.”
