Page 145 of Bite of Pain

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“Language,” he growled, brutally pinching my raw, throbbing ass.

More lights ignited, colorful ones, as a silent scream lodged in my throat.

“Despite my love of protocol,” he snarled. “I love you a million times more. I don’t give two fucks what anyone thinks of me, you, or our relationship. The only thing I care about is keeping you safe…safe and alive, baby.”

The desperation in his voice pierced my pain. And as his words slowly snapped together, long-ago memories—of a different wolf in Dom’s clothing—roared to life in my brain.

After finally telling me about his tragic past, Mika and I left the club. As we strode across the parking lot, we saw a figure standing at the edge of the building.

Eyes filled with pure, unadulterated hate, there stood Dennis—the beast who’d attacked me weeks earlier. The lone streetlight barely illuminated the parking lot, but I couldn’t miss the shimmer of the gun in his hand. My heart drummed in my chest as my stomach swirled and knotted.

“No,” I murmured, unable to peel my eyes from Dennis’s advancing form.

“You’ve fucking ruined my life, you whore!” Screaming in a demented tone, he stalked toward Mika and me. “My wife left me. My children think I’m a monster! It’s all your fault, you fucking cunt!”

His gun was pointed at me. I wondered if I should dive for cover or remain frozen in place. Both options had the potential for catastrophic outcomes. Even in the dimly lit surroundings, I could see a look of demonic hatred reflecting in his eyes. It was more frightening than the weapon in his hand. His lips curled in an almost inhuman snarl as my heart continued to hammer in my chest, reverberating in my ears. Unable to look away from the deranged man, I sensed movement. Mika was reaching for something behind his back.

“You’re going to pay for this, you fucking bitch!”

Time slipped into some lethargic, sluggish dimension. Everything moved in slow motion, as if some higher power flipped a switch, commanding time and space to unravel a millisecond at a time. Dennis’s manic screaming continued as his wide strides ate up the distance between us. The barrel of his gun remained pointed straight at my face.

Mika banded a muscular arm around my waist before he slung me to the ground behind him. He’d placed himself between me and the crazed lunatic still approaching. Gravel pierced the thin fabric of my gown and stung as it dug into my knees. Raising my eyes, I watched Mika crouch low to the ground in a fighting stance. The muscles in his shoulders and arms bunched as he leveled a dull black handgun and steadily aimed it at Dennis. Undaunted, the maniac continued to advance, the frightening gleam in his eyes now clearly visible.

“Mika!” I choked out softly.

“Stay down!” he roared. His voice was loud, flat, and unwavering.

“Get away from her, motherfucker! You can’t protect her this time!” Dennis screamed.

“Not happening! Put your gun down,” Mika warned.

“Fuck you!”

Simultaneously, two shots split the night. Blood-curdling screams filled the air. My screams. Mika’s body lifted off the ground and slammed back against the Escalade. Then, like a rag doll, he slid to the ground. Dennis fell backward with a sickening thud. Blood poured from Mika’s chest as I scrambled across the gravel, kneeling next to him.

Shoving the horrific memories from my mind, I pressed my cheek to Mika’s chest and savored his warmth and the sound of his beating heart. He was alive and with me…but for how long?

A sob of guilt and fear exploded from my chest. “No. No, it can’t happen again. It can’t,” I wailed.

“It can, and if it does—”

“No,” I whimpered. “You can’t die on me again.”

“Sweet pet,” he murmured, sipping the tears streaming down my cheeks. “You should know by now; I’d take a million bullets to keep you safe. If anything ever happened to you, I’d die anyway…die inside.”

Moving in front of me, Mika wrapped his arms around the cross. As he clutched me tightly, he pressed his mouth to my quivering lips with a desperate, passionate kiss. I slumped against the wood and part of his wide chest, drinking in his warmth and strength as I kissed him back with all the love in my heart and soul.

Aching to touch him…to hold him, I tugged on the cuffs and whimpered in frustration. Long seconds later, Mika grudgingly ended the kiss and eased back just as Trevor—Drake’s long-time lover and submissive, and my best friend—appeared beside us with a cup of water.

“Daddy asked me to bring this to your slave, Mika Sir,” he respectfully announced.

“Tell your Master thank you, boy.” He nodded, taking the cup from Trevor’s hand.

“Yes, Sir.” He smiled, then leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “Your marks are gorgeous, you lucky little bitch. I’m jealous as hell.” After planting a quick kiss on my cheek, Trevor scurried away, giggling.

Mika rolled his eyes and shook his head as he tilted the cup to my lips. I hadn’t realized my throat was as sore as my ass from screaming until I gulped the cool water.

When Mika lifted the cup away, I peered up at him and whispered, “Can we go home now, Master?”
