Page 52 of First Look Fiancé

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We decided to called it, "Zoogala", and have a couple of events. The first was going to be kid-centric. We would get sponsors so that the few hours would be free for the kids. Lots of storytelling, plays, dances. Everything would be highlighting the animals that lived at the zoo. We would also throw in some zoo education so that the kids knew that zoos went a long way to preserving animals, not just caging them up.

The evening event would be another type of gala. Classy, and for the wealthy of Atlanta to get out and show their philanthropic talents. Tuxedos, evening dresses and an amazing meal would await them.

And we managed to plan this all in two weeks. The event was just a couple of days away, so we were putting the finishing touches on it.

I was super excited because Bryce would be home a day before the event, and he'd get to enjoy it as part of the Taylor family, but also as my plus one.

But I had to hold that all in check because there was still a ton to be done.

"Reyna?" Alison, a team member stood at the door of my office.

"Come in. How are things?"

She was wringing her hands. This wasn't a good sign.

"Well, I don't know how exactly to break this to you, but…" Her voice trailed off.

"Yes? Just tell me." I demanded, impatiently.

"Well, the caterer has just pulled out."

"What?!? What happened? Did we do something? Can we fix this?" My heart started thumping in my chest. Notthisclose to the gala!

"I don't know. I don't think so. We've called around to every high end catering location we could find and they're all busy tomorrow. I don't know what to do at this late hour. It would be hard for another catering company to get enough food for the amount of people we have coming." Alison clearly tried to solve the problem before bringing it to my attention. I took a deep breath.

"Okay. Well, thank you for doing that. There's a solution to this, I know there is." I stood up and paced, repeating that to myself as if it would conjure up a solution magically.

"How about you call any and all high-end catering companies that are in the Atlanta area. Maybe there are some in the suburbs that don't have anything planned for tomorrow night."

"On it." Alison left my office.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

If this zoo event fails, I'm going to look like a total loser to Joanne, not to mention all the people who have a ticket to tomorrow night's event.

Think girl, think.

Holy fucking fuck. YES.

I made a quick call.

"Good afternoon, Hunky Harold at your service. How may I help you?"

The set up at the zoo went easily. The children filled the tents. We had extended the invitation to all the surrounding schools and put ads in social media for the youngest children who might still just be at home.

I was zipping around from tent to tent, checking in on the volunteers, listening to some of the stories, and participating in the activities. The sounds of laughing children and adults filled the air, and my heart.

I was busy in a tent folding a paper crane when suddenly two arms were around me. I turned around.

"Bryce!" I threw my arms around his neck and planted a big kiss on him. I was so happy to see him. "I thought you didn't get in until six tonight!"

"I caught an early flight. We got done early, so thought I would drop in and see how you were doing."

"Well, it's going and I think it's going really well. Your mom is around here somewhere. She is amazing. She's even wearing a toy raccoon on her head!" We both laughed.

"I hope the hairdresser was able to set it just right so she doesn't muss up her hair," Bryce joked.

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