Page 58 of First Look Fiancé

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Chapter 30


Todaywouldbeaninteresting day. Despite my outward appearance of being confident, my nerves were playing games with my brain. Today was the day I was going to meet Reyna’s family. My parents were hosting them at the house as the wedding day approached and I have to say that it was coming faster than I expected. I knew that Reyna’s brothers and father would give me a bit of a hard time. She did say that they were overprotective of her and the idea of meeting four men that didn’t joke around about her was terrifying. Would they approve of me? After all, I never even asked for Reyna’s hand in marriage and they found out about the engagement on the internet. Not the best start if I wanted to impress anyone.

As I pulled up to my parents’ house, my heart was racing with anticipation. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, feeling the warm breeze on my face. I walked toward the front door, my palms sweating as I walked into the house.

I headed toward the back, where I could hear laughter and people chatting when Reyna showed up and rushed into my arms.

“Bryce,” she said as I lifted her off the ground.

“Hey sweetheart,” I greeted her before I went in for a long, passionate kiss.

“God, it was starting to feel like you had abandoned me to go through all the hard stuff alone,” said Reyna with a chuckle. Her eyes twinkled, showing genuine excitement to see me, but her face was a little pale and her lips were plumper than usual.

“No way, I would never abandon you. I couldn't wait for your bachelorette party to be over. Nice that Mom invited you to stay at the house,” I said, stroking her cheek.

"Were you lonely last night?” she asked, as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

“Of course I was. The bed was much colder than usual." I looked at her face. "You look a little pale. Are you okay?” I asked with concern.

“I’ve been really anxious lately. I think it’s just nerves with everything that has been going on,” she responded.

“Hey, I’m here now. There’s no need for you to be anxious about anything anymore,” I assured her as I pulled her into another embrace.

“My family is here,” she reminded me, and then I felt like it was my turn to have all the nerves.

“I know. What should I expect?” I asked curiously.

“My mom is going to be sweet. My dad and brothers, I can’t promise you the same,” she responded with a little chuckle.

“I’m ready. Let’s head out and meet them,” I said, taking her hand in mine. We went into the backyard, where everyone was chatting and laughing together. As soon as we appeared hand in hand, they all went quiet.

“Bryce, the man of the hour. Come join us, you two lovebirds,” my dad tried to return the mood to what it was before.

Reyna’s dad and brothers looked at me skeptically, sizing me up with their eyes. I'd only felt this level of scrutiny in difficult board meetings and company town hall meetings. Even then, I was scrutinized for my ideas, not for just being me.

“Nice to meet you, Bryce. I'm Andrea. Reyna has told me all about you,” said Reyna's mom as she took my hand inside both of hers. Perhaps a way to give me the moral support I so desperately needed.

I enveloped her in a big hug. "We might as well start this off right. I'm a hugger." I said, chuckling. She wholeheartedly hugged me back.

“Sir,” I said, extending my hand to Reyna’s father, who was staring at me, clearly studying everything he could.

“Dad, this is Bryce,” Reyna jumped into the introductions.

“It’s an honor, sir,” I said as we firmly shook hands.

“It’s Peter, and the honor is all mine,” he said with a slight smile. "Any man that has captured my daughter's heart has got to be someone special."

“Bryce, these are my brothers, Aaron, Luke, and Chris,” she introduced her brothers next, and I firmly shook each of their hands.

An awkward silence crept in as her dad and brothers continued to study me. It was the most uncomfortable I had ever felt in my whole life.

“We're so glad to finally meet you, Bryce.” Andrea was courageously trying to break the ice.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, ma’am. I can see where Reyna gets her beauty from,” I responded and Reyna’s mother laughed.

“You’re a charmer, aren’t you?” she said, and everyone laughed. As we settled around the table in the garden, the tension slowly began to build up again. I wasn’t sure what to expect next.
