Page 65 of First Look Fiancé

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“What if one day he just showed up and begged you to work things out? Would you be open to it?” she asked, looking into my eyes through the mirror.

“I love him, Mom. I think I would. I just want to have a life that isn’t always about proving a point to the public. To people that don't even matter in our world.” Deep down, I wished he would show up right now so that we could be together again. I wanted him by my side through this pregnancy.

“I want that for you too, and I something tells me Bryce has learned his lesson. If you want him back and he wants you back, that’s a great start,” my mom advised. “Just don’t keep him waiting or he’ll think that you really want to let go. Think about if he gets tired of you continually refusing him and moves on. I think if he moves on, you’ll regret it,” she added, turning me to face her.

“Should I go back to Atlanta?” I asked her, feeling conflicted.

“What do you think you should do?” she asked. My mom wanted me to figure it out for myself.

“I think maybe a call would be a start,” I responded.

“Yes, then you should call him, but for now, I think you should enjoy today. Let's get your hair done so you can enjoy the company of your family while you figure out what you want to say to him and how you're going to approach this.” She dabbed red lipstick on my lips.

“Okay, I think you’re right,” I said with a warm smile. I hated when my mom nagged me about my life, but I was glad that today she had taken some time to talk to me and give me advice. “Thank you, Mom,” I said to her and drew her into a giant hug.

“I love you so much, honey. I wish life was black and white, then life would be so much easier. But, you know, more often than not, we have to figure things out and that is the only way we can grow,” she said.

Her wise words were like a soothing balm. I felt much better than I was feeling before, and I knew then that I was going to try my best to work it out with Bryce. I missed him so much and I missed how we had turned into great friends as well as intense lovers. I loved when he told me about his day or his adventures when he traveled. The last time I had spoken to Joanne, she told me that Bryce was having a hard time accepting that we were over. I hated that I had allowed it to go on that far. Only I could stop it and I was going to give him a call before bed that night.

Chapter 34


Icouldn'trememberthelast time I'd driven myself this far, but here I was, heading to Chattanooga to make things right with Reyna. I had the option of chartering my own jet, but she said not to fly, so… I snickered. Sometimes I can be the most stubborn bastard I know.

As soon as I arrived, I checked into a motel. It was a small room, but since it had its own entrance, it provided me with the privacy I wanted. I threw my bag on the bed and fell beside it on my back, feeling the exhaustion from the journey.

I rolled over and stared at the wall, feeling overwhelmed by the events of the past week. I thought of Reyna and wondered if taking this trip was the right thing to do. I felt a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach, but I tried to focus on the positives.

I closed my eyes, allowing the feeling of sleep to take over. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep, letting my mind wander in the darkness. I was ready for whatever the future held. I was ready to fight for my family. I had contacted Reyna's mom to organize a meeting between me and Reyna’s dad and brothers. I knew that they weren’t going to be so welcoming. The last time we met, we had barely cracked the ice between us. It was definitely not broken yet. Even though I didn’t know what to expect, I was willing to go through any kind of hell just to get Reyna back.

I was relieved when Andrea informed me that Peter and his sons were willing to listen to whatever I had to say. After all, the child that Reyna was carrying was mine and no matter what the outcome of this meeting was going to be, I’d still have to be a part of their lives because of that child. I got up and started getting ready, my thoughts spinning in my head. I had to be cordial and respectful, no matter what the outcome. I had to be courageous enough to face Reyna’s family, even if they didn’t agree with my intentions. Above all, I had to make sure that I could control my temper. I admit, even if I don't outwardly lose it, I can inwardly implode, and I'm pretty sure that shows all over my face.

As I got dressed, I thought of all the things I would say to Reyna’s father and her brothers. I had to make a convincing case for why I wanted to be with their daughter and sister. I had to make them understand that I was the right man for the job.

I had to be the hopeless romantic that I had become over the past few weeks and months. I had to be the man of honor that was willing to do anything for the woman he loves. I had to show them that I was worthy of Reyna’s love. I had to show them that I was worthy of their trust.

Finally, I was ready to face the family. I took a deep breath and stepped outside into the fresh morning air. I looked up into the bright blue sky above and said a silent prayer for courage and strength.

As I got out of my car in front of the Miller house, I surveyed the scene. The Millers had a beautiful home and I could tell that Reyna was raised with strong family values. It made sense why she too wanted a family of her own and even though it took me long to realize it, I wanted it now, too.

I wanted it with her and only her. If I couldn’t spend the rest of my life with Reyna, then I wasn’t interested in settling down or having any more kids. Coming to this realization made me even more determined to make this work. I knew that I wouldn’t see Reyna today because her mother had promised me that she’d take Reyna out to prepare for the family barbeque. She had arranged a big family barbeque in a few days' time, and in the meantime, I would have enough time to talk to Mr. Miller and his sons. If things were to turn out well, then I’d be invited to the barbeque, where I would get a chance to talk to Reyna.

A part of me was hopeful, while the other part didn’t want to raise my hopes too high. I had to be realistic and leave room for disappointment. I knew that so much had happened and so much had been said that I had to go on even if Reyna turned me down.

I walked up to the door of Reyna’s house and knocked. I waited patiently for someone to answer the door, but it seemed like no one was coming. I knocked again, this time a little louder. Finally, I could hear heavy footsteps and the door swung open. Luke stood on the other side, holding a beer. “You made it,” he said, with no trace of a smile on his face. I expected nothing more in a welcome. I was the reason Reyna was heartbroken, and they had circled the wagons.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I responded with a slight smile. I didn’t want them to think that I was, in any way, intimidated by them.

“Come in,” he said, opening the doorway for me to enter. I walked into the house and there was an air of homeyness that I couldn’t explain. The atmosphere was wholesome and loving. Photos of the family in all different kinds of combinations over the years lined the hallway.

“This way,” Luke interrupted my thoughts as I looked around the simple home. I followed him as he led me to the backyard where his brothers and dad were seated, basking in the sun and enjoying a cold beer. “The man of the hour,” said Peter, without getting up from his seat. My heart was pounding, but I maintained a straight, confident face. They were all looking at me like I didn’t belong, and I knew this wasn’t going to be an easy ride. I drew closer and shook each one of their hands firmly and waited to be invited to a seat.

“Take a seat, young man,” said Peter. His tone was intimidating. I followed the instruction and took a seat. There was an awkward silence as they all looked at me, but I was waiting for permission to talk.

“My wife says you wanted to talk to us. Go on,” said Mr. Miller, looking at me with a stern look. I maintained my composure without showing what was really going on inside me.

“First, I’d like to thank you all for giving me a chance to speak with you. I really appreciate it,” I began. “Secondly, I owe you all an apology. I know I broke tradition when I didn’t ask for Reyna’s hand in marriage. I should’ve taken the time to meet her family and voice out my intentions,” I added, and they continued to stare at me with strict eyes.
