Page 30 of Forbidden

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He rolled to his side, and my breath stuttered in my chest as his fingers moved down my belly and eased into my G-string. He didn’t waste any time as he spread me apart and shoved a finger into me.

I whimpered as he stroked the fire burning deep inside me. He removed his finger, then pressed it against my lips. “Suck.”

Blindly obeying, I licked and sucked my juices off him. “Crazy in Love,” Beyonce’s remix, filtered through the speakers, adding to the already sexually charged mood.

Cole’s touch lightly grazed over my neck, then to my breast. He rolled my hard nipple between his fingertips, then pinched it. I yelped. “I want to come all over your tits. Would you let me, Shae?”

“Yeah.” My voice cracked, betraying how much I craved him.

His head dipped lower until his mouth latched onto my sensitive bud. Losing any self-control, I arched into his touch as his hand cupped my other tit. I wanted to grab his hair, but I was afraid if I touched him, he would stop, and I desperately needed him to continue.

His fingers wrapped around my throat, but he didn’t squeeze. Cole pressed his lips against my ear, his breathing calm and in control. “You should run from me, Shae. I’m not good for you. I’m a monster. I’ve already put you in danger, but I can’t walk away. I’m obsessed with you. You’re my poison, but I would gladly drink every last drop you had to offer.”

Good God. Zoe was right. Cole has feelings for me. “Cole,” I whispered. “Please ...” I closed my eyes, realizing this was all a bad idea and that I was mostly naked on the bed ... with my stepbrother, and all I wanted was to fuck him until I couldn’t walk. “I need you inside me.” My heart rate was erratic, and my palms were damp with sweat. I’d never needed anyone so much in my life.

“Make no mistake, Shae. When I come inside you, in that moment, I will mark you as mine. Are you ready for me to own you?”

Cole tightened his hold on my neck. Instead of being afraid of him, I craved him as I inhaled the narrow stream of air he allowed me to have.

Suddenly, he released me and ripped my G-string off. He moved down and pushed my legs wider apart. His hand smacked my pussy, and a cry escaped me. “I don’t think you understand what it will be like if you’re mine.” He slapped me again. Pain shot through me, but I wanted more. I wanted him. His breath grazed my soaked core, and a shudder of pleasure rippled over me. Cole slipped his arms under my ass and pulled me to his mouth.

Bunching the comforter in my hands, I moaned as he sucked my clit, his tongue licking my slit before he pumped me with two fingers. My back arched, and I shook with anticipation, humming with need.

His ice-blue eyes glanced up, locking with mine.

“Cole.” My chest heaved as desire licked every inch of my sensitive skin. My muscles tightened. He released a harsh growl, grabbed the backs of my thighs, and dug his nails into my flesh as a soul-obliterating orgasm pulsed through my body, and I touched the edge of heaven. Reveling in his touch, I savored every blissful second until I came down from my high. “Oh, my God.” I peeled my eyelids open when I felt the mattress shift beneath me.

Cole’s gaze darkened, and his snarl sent chills skating down my spine. He looked like the devil—a dark, murderous expression on his face—and terror pumped through my veins.

Without a word, Cole threw the door open and stalked out of the room, slamming it closed behind him. Shame reared its ugly head, and I swallowed the rejection like it was cheap alcohol—bitter and stinging all the way down.

Holy shit. What did I just do?

* * *

The bright morning sunlight woke me the following day. I stretched and peered at the clock on my phone. It was nearly ten.

I blinked a few times, reveling in the fact that I didn’t have a class to attend for several weeks, then reality slapped me.Cole.I still wasn’t sure how we’d ended up on my bed last night, but after he’d given me the best orgasm of my life, he left like a whirling dervish. The memory of his face tied my stomach into a million knots. I tossed my blankets off and sat on the edge of my mattress. I needed coffee, and a lot of it. I had to sort through what we’d done before I saw Cole.

Collecting a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, I brushed the tangles out of my hair, then collected my phone from the nightstand. I cautiously peered into the hall. To my relief, Cole’s door was closed. I tiptoed down the hallway, then to the kitchen. Daddy and Julia were sitting at the little table in the breakfast nook.

“Morning.” I waved and smiled at them. For the first time this summer, Daddy wore some navy shorts with a white polo that fit his well-defined shoulders and chest. Daddy was in great shape for his late forties.

“Good morning, Princess.” Daddy stood and hugged me. He had no idea how much I needed his comforting embrace. He kissed me on the cheek. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought I wasn’t in any trouble with him at all, but my black American Express card would say otherwise. At least it wasn’t super tense between us. Maybe he would be able to forgive me soon.

“The pool will be ready this afternoon,” Julia said, then tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear as I made my way to the espresso machine. “It’s going to be eighty-five today.” She offered me a genuine smile. I was convinced that Julia never ate or drank anything that would stain her teeth, but I knew better. My guess was that she paid a lot of money for those pearly whites.

“Sounds like a good day to work on your tan.” I grabbed a ceramic mug and placed it under the spout, then turned the machine on.

Disappointment flickered in her eyes. “I was thinking maybe we could get some sun together and catch up. I realize you’ve only been home for a week, but summer will be over before you know it and you’ll be off to school.”

My coffee finished brewing, and I sipped the hot liquid. “True. Cole will be gone again, too. It probably gets lonely without us here at times.”

Julia’s forehead creased.

“What is it?” My attention bounced from her to Daddy and back to Julia.

“You don’t know?” Julia asked cautiously.
