Page 14 of Spider

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“Gee, I don’t think that you really mean it,” Spider grumbled. Butch laughed and handed Hangman his cell phone. “Anything else, man?” Butch asked.

“Nope, just keep an eye out for anyone coming or going. I need to know if you see anything out of the ordinary,” Hangman insisted.

“Will do, boss,” Butch agreed, leaving the room after giving Spider a mock salute. God, he hated that guy.

“Let’s get started,” Hangman said. He held up his phone and hit record, making sure that Spider had a full view of his screen. “I think that I’ll send this one to her family.” The woman cried out, begging Hangman to stop, and when he got in her face and kissed her, the guard on the right pulled her into his body and pulled his gun.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Hangman shouted.

“I can’t let you hurt her,” the man said. “I’m CIA and you’re under arrest.” Hangman looked the guy over and burst out in fits of laughter, even doubling over while holding his side.

“I’m under arrest?” he asked.

“Afraid so,” the guy said. He nodded to the other guard, and he pulled his gun from his hip holster. The two new guys were playing on his team and Spider wanted to jump up from his seat and high-five them both.

“This was all a setup?” Hangman asked. “You work with him?” he asked, pointing to Spider.

“Never met him before, but yeah, we do,” the second guard admitted. “Now, how about you untie him so that we can get on with this.” If they hadn’t called in back up, Spider knew that the three of them would be powerless against Hangman’s men.

Hangman slowly crossed the room and pulled his walkie-talkie from his jacket. “Raid,” he shouted into the radio, holding it close to his mouth. He knew that he might be forfeiting his life, but he didn’t seem to care. He pulled out a knife and Spider held his breath as he sliced through his ropes, cutting him free.

“You’ll never get out of here alive,” he said to the men, “but, we will.” He hoisted Spider up from the chair and he couldn’t help his moan. If he wasn’t mistaken, the goons that knocked him out and shoved him into the van that brought him to the warehouse broke his arm. “Let’s go,” Hangman ordered. He wanted to put up a fight, but he had no fight left. He did as he was told, slowing back out of the room until Hangman stopped in the doorway. Spider peeked behind him to find Savage’s massive shadow standing in the door frame.

“Hey man,” Savage said, “I know you said that you didn’t want any backup, but I’m not one to follow the rules. Especially when they come from an asshole.” He had to admit—he was so damn thankful that Savage was a rule breaker. In fact, he fucking loved him for it.

“I’m not mad at all, actually,” Spider said. He turned and grabbed Hangman’s gun from him. “You two need to go find Butch. If he gets out of here, he’ll disappear, and this shit will never end.” The two undercover agents nodded at him and started out of the room.

“You’ll need these,” one of them said, handing Spider a pair of handcuffs.

“Thanks, man,” Spider said. “As much as I’d like to do the honors, I’m afraid that my arm might be broken. Can you handle this, Savage?” he asked.

“I’ve got him,” Savage promised. “I brought the guys with me and they’re rounding up the other Ghost members.”

“You brought all the guys?” Spider asked.

“Well, you did say that going up against the Ghosts would take a massive effort, so I brought one with me,” Savage said. Spider smiled and shook his head at his club’s Prez.

“I can always count on you, can’t I?” Spider asked.

“Always,” Savage said, “now, go get your girl and beg her to forgive you for being an ass.” Yeah, that was going to take a lot of begging, but he was so damn happy that he’d have the chance to let her give him hell for as long as she wanted. He was going home to his woman and their unborn kid, and that made him feel like one lucky bastard.


Amelia was suspicious that Spider wasn’t being honest with her when he said that he had to go into the office, but when he didn’t come home for dinner, her suspicions were confirmed. And when Savage called to tell her what happened and to go easy on Spider, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to kill him or hug him when she finally saw him.

“Hey,” he said from the bedroom door.

“You run off to turn yourself into the Ghosts and all you have to say to me is, ‘Hey?’,” she asked.

“I take it that someone filled you in on what went down tonight then,” he almost whispered.

“Yeah, Savage called to let me know what happened and he said that I should go easy on you.” That was the last thing she wanted to do. She had questions and she was pissed, but she was so relieved to see that he was okay, well, besides a few cuts and bruises and— “Is that a cast on your arm?” she asked.

He held up his arm and winced. “Yeah, it’s broken,” he said.

“You look like shit,” she said, standing from the bed. She looked him over and he stood there and let her.

“I’m aware,” he said. “I’d say that you should see the other guy, but he doesn’t have a scratch on him.”
