Page 6 of Spider

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Spider hopped out of the driver’s seat and found Savage, his club’s Prez, standing by the back door entrance, which usually meant trouble. He grabbed Amelia’s hand, ignoring her protests about him man handling her, and made his way over to Savage. “What’s up?” he asked, forgoing the pleasantries. Ryder, Demon, and Bowie pushed through the back door and Spider’s stomach did a flip-flop. If this many guys were meeting him in the back alley, that meant trouble. Demon was the club’s enforcer and the only witness from the Royal Bastards to see his supposed demise. The Ghosts made it look like he had died in a bike crash, and he hated doing that to his friend, but Demon witnessed the whole thing. He was the one who had reported back to the club that Spider was dead. He had no other option if he wanted the Ghosts to believe that he was one of them. He needed to prove himself to them and that meant that he’d have to lie to his brothers in his club. It sucked, but he had no other choice.

“Well, this can’t be good,” Spider mumbled to himself.

“It’s not,” Savage said. “The Ghosts have been here most of the night. I believe that they are looking for her, and well, since she’s with you, I’m sure that they’ll want to bring you in too. Your new boss, Hangman even showed up here himself.”

“Fuck,” Spider swore. “How the hell did they trace me back to you guys?”

“Through me,” Demon admitted. “If you remember, I was there when you died, and they know who I am. I guess they put two and two together and realized that you’re a Royal Bastard.”

“Wait—you’re dead?” Amelia asked him.

“Not the takeaway right now,” Spider grumbled. “The Ghosts have found us and if they know that I have you, they’ll kill us both.”

“I thought you said that they’d take me back to my cage,” she reminded.

“Shit—she’s one of the women that they traffic?” Ryder asked. Bowie crossed his arms over his massive chest and Spider knew that he’d need to start explaining quickly if he didn’t want the pounding of his life.

“She was brought into the warehouse this morning with a truckful of other women. I had no idea that we were getting another shipment. My CIA contacts didn’t warn me, probably because they had no clue. The new boss, Hangman, is shaking things up and trying to figure out who he can and can’t trust. I guess I failed the test because here I am.”

“How did you get her out of there?” Savage asked, nodding to Amelia.

“He didn’t get me out of that hell hole,” Amelia almost shouted at the big guy. She didn’t seem to be intimidated by anyone and the thought of her standing up to Savage made Spider feel some kind of pride that he had no right to feel. “I got myself out and he followed me.”

“I was told to take her to the bathroom and well, she got the best of me,” Spider admitted. “I’d love to say that I wasn’t beaten by a girl, but I was.”

“You were beaten by a woman,” she said. “I haven’t been a girl for a long time.” The guys all chuckled, and she smiled up at Spider as if she had won some sort of prize.

“Right,” he mumbled. “She got the jump on me and headed out through a side door that I had left open in case in needed a quick escape from the Ghosts. Hangman found me and told me not to come back without her, or else.”

“We’re aware of what the Ghosts to do people who betray them,” Bowie agreed. “What’s the plan? You can’t go in there because Hangman left some of his guys here to keep an eye out for you and her.”

“I figured,” Spider admitted. “I was hoping that you guys would be willing to give us a hand, but if they Ghosts catch onto you helping me, they won’t hesitate to come after you and your families.”

“None of us give a fuck about that,” Savage said. “If you need our help, you’ve got it.”

“Yeah, we have a Halloween party going on right now, but after I run my Ol’ lady home, I can fly you guys anywhere you might like to go.” Spider hadn’t thought about flying Amelia anywhere, but maybe that might be for the best. If the Ghosts had tracked him down to the Royal Bastards, his cover would be blown. There would be no way that he’d be able to go back into the warehouse now. The best thing he could do was have Ryder fly them someplace safe and then, he’d check in with his contacts at the CIA to let them know what happened.

“We’ll take you up on your offer,” Spider agreed.

“Now wait a minute,” Amelia protested, “you can’t just expect me to get on a plane and disappear with you. I don’t even know you. Up until an hour ago, you were one of my kidnappers. I want to go home, and I think that I should call the authorities about what happened to me.”

Savage chuckled, “You do know that he’s the authorities, right?” he asked.

“She knows, but she’s convinced that I’m not being honest with her,” Spider said.

“Well, can you blame me?” Amelia asked. “I just want to go home.”

“You can’t do that,” Demon insisted. “The Ghosts know where you live, and you won’t be safe. Your best bet is to stick close to Spider and he’ll keep you safe.” Amelia looked Spider over as if sizing him up and shook her head as if she found him wanting. He wondered if she ever would, but that would be a problem for another day. Right now, his only worry was how he’d keep her safe and keep both of them off of the Ghost’s radar.


The last thing Amelia wanted to do was run away from her troubles, but the guys were right—she couldn’t go home. She also didn’t want to fly to the ends of the earth trying to hide from the men who took her. It would feel like she was still living in a cage, not having any control over what was happening to her or where she was being taken.

“Where are you planning on taking me?” she asked.

“Wherever Ryder wants to fly us,” Spider said.

“We have a few safe houses around the country. Honestly, we just need to get you out of town. How about we give you a few places and you can pick?” Savage asked.
