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“No, I couldn’t. You’re lucky I even agreed to do this.”

He scoffs, and I turn towards him.

“You want to tell me what the fuck was so important?”

“I have a job I need your help on.”

“A job? You pulled me away from her for a fuckingjob?”

“It’s an important one, and we need to get going now. You already wasted valuable time walking your little obsession home and kissing her goodbye.”

“Don’t talk about her,” I growl. “Don’t ever fucking mention her again.”

He holds his hands up, smirking.

“Woah, Thali. Chill. I have my own desire. In fact, Imarriedmine. I don’t need yours.”

“Fuck you. I don’t care, don’t do it again.”

He rolls his eyes and starts walking again before speaking. “Whatever. Just hurry the fuck up.”

“What’s the job?” I say as I follow him.

“A large group of Dfam elves kidnapped an important Miou. There’s about a hundred of them in the underground bunker that they have him in. Looks like they were trying to hold him for ransom and use the money to leave Pyrthos,” he scoffs. “But they were sloppy, and we found out where they’re holding him, so I was ordered to kill everyone instead.”

“Naturally. And I was the only one who could help?”

“No, but you’re the only one I trust to get the job done. We’re to leave no one alive. This is the second time this group has caused trouble, and there won’t be a third.”


I guess this was an acceptable thing to pull me away from Brielle for. But that doesn’t make me any less pissed off about it.

Twenty minutes later, we’re standing outside of the abandoned building where our targets are hiding in the basement. In about five minutes every Dfam in there will be dead.

If we were anyone else, we’d need to plot our way into this and come up with some kind of plan. We’d probably have to send for backup. But we’re not anyone else, and the two of us have handled far, far worse than this. This is nothing to us.

I pull my bow from my back and get an arrow ready, grinning. It’s been far too long since I’ve killed anyone, but I’ve been too focused on Brielle to care until now.

“Let’s go.”

The two of us walk right through the front door, and the first floor of this place looks exactly like the outside – abandoned. There’s dust everywhere, and it smells stale. To an untrained elf, it would seem as if no one has been in here in years. But I’m far from untrained, and I easily spot the signs others would have missed.

We quickly find a trap door in the back of a closet, and the two of us grin at each other before kicking the door open. There’s a staircase leading into the hidden basement, and the air quickly fills with the sounds of screaming elves.

I charge down the stairs, immediately firing off five arrows that all strike true. Another five. Then I switch to my sword, cutting off heads left and right.

“Where is he?” I demand as I slam an elf against the wall by his neck.

Unfortunately, I misjudged how angry I was, and his neck broke on impact, so I whirl on to the next one and repeat myself. He holds his hands up and then points across the basement to another door.

“Please, I didn’t want any part of this,” he begs.

“That isn’t my problem,” I say as I stab my sword clean through his chest.

I yank the sword out and slaughter my way to the door he pointed to, busting it open in seconds. Inside, there appear to be another fifty elves cowering. Behind them is the Miou, strapped down to a table and unconscious.

They must have given him something to sedate him. That’s the only way these low levels would have gotten someone of his rank strapped to a table like this. That, or they have someone of a higher rank helping them, in which case a lot more elves are going to die.
