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Annabel’s eyes widened, and Scarlett’s head whipped around so she could stare bug-eyed at him.

Elijah chuckled at their reaction. “Yeah, I bumped into him at the feed store. Apparently, he moved back to town about a week ago. He’s back to help his dad with their property.” He glanced toward Carlos and a meaningful look seemed to pass between them. “His dad is struggling after he got in that accident and broke his leg.”

Annabel gasped. “His dad got hurt?”

“It wasn’t life-threatening, but he’s having a hard time bouncing back. You should go look him up.”

She shook her head vehemently. “Not going to happen. I don’t go for married men.”

Elijah rolled his eyes. “Not tohiton him. You should see how things are going. I’m sure he’d like to catch up. He asked how you were doing.”

Annabel shook her head again. “Absolutely not. Men and women can’t bejustfriends.”

“Why not?” Scarlett pestered, her voice a sing-song sound. “You know you want to. What if you guys are the exception to the rule?” She lifted her brows up and down, loving the way Elijah slipped his arm around her waist.

“Yeah, there’s an opening in the ‘Annabel’s best friend’ position,” Elijah chimed in.

Annabel waved a dismissive hand. “You guys just don’t get it. I’m happy with the way my life is going. I don’t need someone to make me fulfilled—guy or otherwise.” Her eyes widened and she stared straight at Scarlett. “Not that you’re doing that. I just don’t think—”

Scarlett smiled at her friend. “I’m not even bothered by it. I’ve come to realize that I need a couple men in my life. And these two are the ones I couldn’t be happier about.” She pressed a kiss to Elijah’s forehead, then shot another smile toward her father. “Life is far too short to be living it alone. But if that’s what you want, then by all means, find your happiness in the way that makes sense to you.”

Her friend didn’t move for what felt like an eternity. Then she got to her feet and placed her half-empty glass on a nearby side table. “You know what? I’m going to take in a meeting. I told my sponsor I’d meet her there today. You guys enjoy your Sunday.” She nodded toward Carlos. “Thanks for letting me visit, Mr. Perez.”

“Anytime, Annabel.” He waved at her and then rose from his chair as well. “I’m going to take a nap. It’s been a long day, and I could use the rest. I’ll see you at supper, sweetie.” He went inside, leaving the two of them alone.

Elijah pulled her close, his grin widening. “I thought they’d never leave.”

“Oh? Sounds like you have plans to be mischievous.”

“Oh, I have plans alright, but mischievous downplays them all.”

Her heart fluttered wildly. “Well, you better let me in on all of it because I’ve decided we’re going to be partners in crime.”

He laughed. “You have, have you?”

She nodded. “You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.”

“Who said anything about getting rid of you?” He shifted beneath her weight and then pulled something small and sparkly from his pocket.

Scarlett gasped, recognizing what it was immediately.

Elijah twisted the engagement ring between his fingers and stared at it thoughtfully. “I bought this yesterday. I figured I’d hold onto it until the moment felt right.” His gaze flitted up to meet hers. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that you can’t sit around for something tofeelright. Sometimes you have to reach out and take what you want. Sometimes you have to prioritize what’s important. And sometimes you have to take a leap of faith that everything you want lines up with what’s important.”

Scarlett started biting her fingernail and wiggling her leg.

He stared at her, one corner of his mouth lifted into a grin.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to be mischievous,” she groaned.

“I’m not.”

“Well, you sure look and sound like it.” Scarlett eyed the ring, both hating and loving the way her whole body had reacted to not only him but how this just felt so…right. “Ok. I’m done waiting,” she continued with a cheeky grin on her face. “You know I take matters into my own hands. Or at least I used to. So that’s what I’m going to do.” She took his hand that held the ring and lifted it. “Scarlett? You’re the most amazing person I know. You’re beautiful and strong. And best of all, you’re smarter than me.”

“Hey!” Elijah laughed.

She gave him a stern look. “I’m not finished.”

He held up his free hand in a gesture of defeat and then got down on one knee. “Okay, go on.”

“Scarlett,” she continued. “Will you make me the happiest man alive and agree to be my wife?”

Elijah stared at her expectantly. She tilted her head as if this were the hardest thing she had to contemplate. Then she smiled and her gaze grew extremely serious. “I love you, Elijah. More than you will ever know. I want nothing more than to marry you and start a family with you. I want you to be there for my highs and my lows. I know you will protect me and care for me and put me in line when no one else will. You are my person. Yes, I will marry you.”

He blinked a few times, and she thought that he might tear up. Instead, he slipped the ring on her finger and then kissed the ridges of her knuckles. His mischievous grin returned, and he pretended to wipe away a bead of sweat from his brow. “Whew. That was a close one. I thought I’d never ask.”

He stood up and wrapped her in a loving embrace.

She rolled her eyes. “Just kiss me already.”

And he did.
