Page 1 of Destined Soul

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‘Bound not by blood but loyalty.

We live, we ride,

and we die by our own laws’

Have you ever looked at somebody and thought that, right there, is the one?

I don’t believe in all that bullshit, but sitting here and watching her, makes me question if I’m wrong.

She makes the dive bar, where I’m drowning my sorrows with my best friend, seem brighter. The whiskey tastes a little less watered down, and the way she’s dancing makes the music more tolerable.

I wonder what brings a girl like her to a place like this as I rest my elbows back on the bar and admire her. She’s shaking her hips and lifting her hands up through her long, blonde wavy hair. Dancing like no one's watching. This girl’s here to have a good time, and right now some carefree laughter is exactly what I could do with.

“She’s out of your league,” Evan‘s voice makes me pull my eyes away from her.

“No harm in looking…You never know, she may be looking for a med school flunk, with no prospects. Jesus Christ, Evan, you're supposed to be here to cheer me up.” I snigger at my best friend and finish what’s left in my glass.

When I look back over to the dance floor I notice one of the bikers, who have been sitting in the corner since we got here, get up and move towards her. He looks intimidating, but when he grabs her arm and tries to pull her down from the table she’s climbed on, she shows him no fear. Her soft, pretty face scowls at him as she tries to wriggle her wrist from his grip.

“Here’s your chance to step up and be a hero,” Evan chuckles.

But when I go to stand up, he quickly snatches at my shirt and drags me back.

“Whoa… Are you crazy? Dude, I was kidding. You donotwant to pick a fight with that crowd,” I look back at him and see how serious he looks.

“You never heard of The Dirty Souls?” he stares back at me.

“You forget I’m not from round here, should I have?”

“They aren’t just bikers, Jamie, they’re outlaws... and it looks like she came here with them.”

I watch as she crouches down to listen to what the guy says to her, then rolling her eyes she gets down from the table and moves with him to join the rest of them. “If you wanna keep your eyes in your head I suggest you find yourself something else to look at.” Evan shakes his head, before ordering another round.

I don’t listen to his advice, the girl’s far too pretty not to look at. Sitting on the edge of the booth with her arms folded like a disgruntled child, her eyes finally meet with mine, I don’t look away. I let her see that I’m staring, and when her lips turn up into a daring smile, I wink at her before I get back to drinking.

* * *

I’ve only been on the road an hour and already that feeling of dread has crept into my stomach.

Nobody wants to go home and tell their parents that they fucked up on two years of med school and wasted all the money they spent to get them there.

I’ve been selfish, I’ve been stupid, and now it’s time to face up to the consequences.

I figured out a whole year ago that I didn’t want to study medicine. The lifelong dream of becoming a doctor was never really mine. It was my parents. When your dad is a top vascular surgeon and your mom is the mother-fucking-Teresa of paediatrics the expectations to become something great are high. I enjoyed the practical, my time spent working in the ER almost made me believe I could get through it, but the assessments and the exams were all too much.

I’m young, I want freedom. I didn’t want to spend my evenings studying, and writing papers. I wanted to party, and that’s exactly what I did.

It’s also the reason I flunked for the last time, and now I’m gonna have to tell my parents that the son they’re so proud of is, in fact, a failure.

I’m driving along the freeway, trying to think of the words I’m gonna give them, and suddenly I wonder If my eyes are playin’ tricks on me. There's a hot, blonde girl pulled up on the side of the road, checking inside the hood of her car. When she turns around and folds her arms in a strop, I see that she looks identical to the girl I saw in the bar last night. As I get a little closer and realize that itisher, I make an instant decision to follow my instinct. Slowing right down, I pull in a few yards ahead, having no idea what I’m expecting. Surely, the fact we’re both here at the same time is something more than a coincidence. I may not be much of a believer in fate, but if someone, somewhere, decided to put me and her here at the same time for a reason, who am I to cancel their plans?

I cut my engine and take a deep breath before I open my door and step out.

The girl does a double take when she notices me, then narrows her eyes as I walk toward her.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” she asks.
