Page 2 of Destined Soul

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“Having some car trouble?” I look her up and down. She looks like the devil’s temptation in those tight jeans she’s wearing.

“I’m pretty sure it’s the radiator,” she tells me, as I move past her and stick my head inside the hood to check it out.

I spent a lot of summers working in my uncle’s garage when I was a kid. In fact, I’m kinda hoping he’s gonna be the one who takes pity on me when I get back home. I’m gonna need a job if I’m gonna stand a chance of paying back my parents for those wasted college fees.

From what I can see, the girl’s got it right, it is her radiator that’s fucked.

“You need a lift somewhere?” I don’t know if we’re heading in the same direction, but for this girl, I’ll happily take a detour.

“I already called for backup…and I don’t take rides from strangers.” She raises one of her eyebrows at me as she smiles.

“And so you shouldn’t.” I nod my agreement, before finding a spot in the grass verge and making myself comfortable.

“What are you doing?” She laughs a little nervously.

“Well, stranger or not, I’m not gonna leave a nice, vulnerable girl like you alone on the roadside,” I take a smoke out of my jacket and balance it between my lips, then offer the packet out to her. I already know she smokes, I remember watching the way she made it look so hot last night.

“Believe me, I’m not vulnerable, or nice…” She helps herself to a smoke, pulling a Zippo from the back pocket of her jeans and lighting up. She tosses it at me when she notices me feeling around in my pockets for mine.

“You know, Skinner could be a while, I wouldn’t wanna hold you up from where you’re heading.” She takes a seat beside me, close enough for her shoulder to touch mine, and stares out at the road.

“Believe me, I’m in no rush. You’re actually doing me a favor.”

She nods her head and sucks at the end of her cigarette. I can’t help watching the way her lips pucker and her cheeks hollow. The girl is perfect.

“So, what are you avoiding?” Laying back on the grass verge, she looks up at the clouds.

“It’s gonna sound pathetic,” I warn, resting back to join her.

“Hit me with it.”

“I’m going home to tell my parents that I flunked my final year at med school.” I figure, there’s no harm in telling the truth, I’m never gonna see the girl again, and maybe she can offer some better advice than Evan.

“That’s steep,” she agrees, blowing a smoke cloud into the air above us. “How d’ya think they're gonna take it?”

“It’s gonna hit ‘em hard, they’re both doctors and have always had high expectations.”

She nods as she takes in what I’m saying and then when she twists her body to face mine, she rests her cheek on the hand that’s propped up by her elbow.

“It’s a good job you’re handsome, huh?” The seductive smile on her face makes my lips twitch into a smile of my own.

“What’s that got to do with it?” I laugh, shifting my body so it mirrors hers.

“Well, you may be a failure to your parents, but at least with those drag-a-girl-to-bed, brown eyes, and that boyish smile, you’re a good-looking failure.” Her hand ruffles the front of my hair and I stare into her pretty, blue eyes, wondering what it might be like to kiss her. Just as I’m about to reach forward and test it out, a loud horn sounds from behind us.

“That’ll be Skinner.” She smiles at me before jumping up off the ground, and I stay rooted to the spot, watching as she wipes her hands on the back of her jeans and starts walking towards the huge tow truck that’s just pulled up.

The huge guy who gets out looks me up and down judgingly.

“He bothering ya?” he asks her while keeping his stern glare fixed on me.

“No, actually he was offering to help.” The girl whose name I still don’t know, explains, as he continues to look at me like he wants to kill me.

“Well, then he can be on his way,”

I figure he isn’t gonna stop eyeballing me until I do, so admitting defeat, I stand up.

“Good luck with the radiator,” I tell the girl as I pass her on the way back to my car. She looks embarrassed, maybe even a little disappointed.
