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He chuckled. “It’s perfect because you weren’t on your feet cooking for hours, and I still get fed.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for with a housekeeper. This place is huge, and if I was going to do all the cleaning and all the cooking, there would be no time left for me to run the business the way it needs to be run.”

He nodded. “I agree. I hope you find someone quick.”

“Me too. You won’t mind a live-in, will you? I’d probably give her a room upstairs, and we’d keep ours down, so she wouldn’t really get in our way.”

“Oh, I think that’s just fine,” he said, forking a bite of the lasagna up and blowing on it. “It’s good.”

She smiled. “Good. If I’m in a hurry, I’ll buy that brand again.”

“Sounds smart.”

“I’m really glad we have this weekend to get to know each other before we both have to hit the ground running on Monday.”

He nodded. “Me too. And I need a couple of days to wrap my head around running a ranch this size.”

“I’m a little overwhelmed with it myself.”

“Once we have good people in place, it’ll all seem easy.”

“I sure hope so!” she said.

After supper, he helped with the few dishes, and they collapsed onto the couch again. “I don’t know how much longer I can stay awake,” he said.

She laughed. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

Kyle gave her a crooked grin. “Would you hate me if I said goodnight now?”

Alexis shook her head. “I haven’t slept in a couple of days,” she said. “I drank a lot of coffee this morning, but it’s long since worn off.”

He stood up and reached down a hand to help her to her feet. “Bed then.” He walked her down the hall, kissing her before they each went into their separate rooms.

Alexis thought about taking a long hot bath with a book, but then she realized that she had a good chance of falling asleep. No, it would be better if she collapsed and forgot the world.

She stripped down and put on a pair of pajamas she liked, then snuggled into the big bed. For a moment, she wished Kyle was there, but why have a wedding night if you would never be able to remember it, and may just fall asleep during it?

She was asleep as soon as her eyes closed, and she slept deep and dreamlessly.

She woke up at six the following morning, surprising herself. Finally, she’d had a decent night of sleep, since they’d been in bed by eight. She walked out into the kitchen and started to throw breakfast together, planning on French toast with bacon, one of her favorite meals from childhood.

She hadn’t been up long when Kyle came out of his room, looking ready to take on the day. “I didn’t expect you to be up so early!” he said.

She shrugged. “I finally had enough sleep last night. I hope you like bacon and French toast.”

“Love it. Sounds like the perfect breakfast.”

She took a sip out of the coffee she’d made. “Coffee?”

He nodded, walking over and helping himself to a cup. “Do we have plans for today?” he asked.

She shook her head. “We can do anything we want to do.”

“Would you be willing to go into town with me?” he asked.


“I want to hit a Tractor Supply store and find a book on ranching. It may sound silly, but if I can get a better overall picture, instead of just knowing little pieces of it, I think I could do a better job.”
