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She nodded, smiling. “Love that idea. Let’s grab two of them. Then we could each have one to read.”

“You’re already shaping up to be a good wife.”

“I sure do try,” she said, grinning as she put bacon and French toast on two plates and carried them to the table. “Would you mind taking one of the ranch trucks?”

He shook his head. “You don’t like mine?”

She laughed. “That’s not it at all. One of them has steps to make it easier for me to get in!”

“How did I forget that you’re a pocket-sized wife?”

As soon as they were finished eating, he helped her load the dishwasher, and then they headed into town. At the store, she saw a woman sitting outside with a bit of a scowl on her face. “Kittens?” the woman asked.

“Yes!” Alexis said. “Are they all from the same litter?”

The woman shook her head. “Two litters. This box has six-week-old kitties, and that has eight-week-old kitties.”

Alexis reached into the box and picked up a pure white kitten with blue eyes. “Male or female?” she asked.


From the other box, she grabbed a tortoise-colored kitten. “Male or female?” she asked.


“I want them both. How much?”

The woman laughed. “They are free, and I’m happy to see you take them.”

Alexis couldn’t stop smiling. “What do they eat?”

“I have them on Purina Kitten Chow.”

“We’ll get some in the store. Thank you!” Alexis handed one of the kittens to Kyle who carried it with him, while she carried the other.

“I guess we’re buying kitten supplies,” he said, grinning at her. She looked as if she’d just gotten the most beautiful gift in the world.

“I don’t even know what they need.”

He chuckled. “I’ll handle it.”

They left the store thirty minutes later with a kitten carrier, food and water bowls, a scratching post and a litter box. And of course, the two books they’d gone for in the first place. They each found one that they liked better, and they were different books. “This way we can swap when we’re done,” she said.

He nodded. “We sure can. And hopefully, we’ll each learn twice what we would have otherwise.”

Chapter Five

Since the weekend was all the time they had for a honeymoon, they spent it reading and playing with the kittens. Alexis decided to call the white kitten Avalanche, which quickly got shortened to Lanche, and the Tortoise colored kitten, Tortie.

As soon as they got home, she set up their litter box and put out food and water bowls for them. They weren’t super friendly with her yet, but she knew that would come with time as the kittens slid across the kitchen floor, slamming into cabinets and appliances.

Alexis looked at Kyle with wide eyes. “Will they always be this rambunctious?”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “They’re kittens. They have extra energy. They’ll be wrestling together and chasing each other around for a while, but then they’ll settle down, and you will become a cat bed, which is pretty much the highest order of living when there’s a cat around.”

She giggled. “They’re so much fun to watch!”

He nodded. “They are. And they’ve already figured out their litter box, which will make life a lot easier.”
