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“Sounds like it.” She yawned and stretched. “I want a nap, and I haven’t even been up for very long.”

He looked at her. “Don’t do it. You’re trying to get up earlier each morning, and that would mess you up terribly. As much as I love a nap, I realize they just aren’t very good for me.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” They were sitting on the couch together, so she rested her head on his shoulder for a moment. “If I don’t get a nap, can we drive into town for supper? I don’t think I’m up to cooking.”

He nodded. “We can do that, but it’ll be a lot harder to do during the week. We should get some groceries that we can put together fast. Well, that you can put together fast. I’m terrible at cooking.”

“All right. Hopefully, we’ll have a housekeeper soon, and she’ll be in charge of cooking.” She yawned behind her hand. “I hope the interviews go well. I looked up a list of questions to ask a potential housekeeper online. I think I have figured out how I’ll handle things.”

“I know you’ll do great.” He turned his attention back to his book, and she did the same.

When it was getting close to time to eat supper, she quickly pulled up a list of restaurants in the Boulder area with her phone. “We have many choices,” she said. “Texas Roadhouse, Olive Garden, Chili’s, Red Lobster…Any of those sound appealing? They’re my favorite four from the list.”

He tilted his head to one side and thought about it. “Let’s do Roadhouse. I haven’t had a good chicken-fried steak in forever.”

“Sounds good to me. I wish I could take you to Babe’s for chicken-fried steak, though. They are a staple in North Texas, and I went several times. It was always kind of special, and their chicken-fried steak is the best around…hands down.”

“Maybe we can do that when we’re visiting your family at some point.”

She smiled. “I’m glad you’re open to visiting my family. Give me a minute, and I’ll be ready.”

He settled comfortably on the couch, one leg taking over the spot where she’d been. Women never took a minute when they said a minute. At least that’s what he’d always been told.

She came out a minute later. “You ready?”

“You weren’t supposed to take a minute!” he said. “You said you’d take a minute, and that’s supposed to be ten minutes in women’s speak.”

She smiled. “I’m sorry I’m not living down to your expectations.”

He stood up, shaking his head. “Scott, the man I used to work for, would tell me all these things about women and how they never did what they said they’d do. I think he was just a chauvinist, though.”

She smiled. “He sounds interesting.”

“He is very interesting. He and his wife were the first couple matched by Dr. Lachele. He was clueless about women and took his frustrations with his wife out on his ranch hands, mostly me. He once told me I needed to have my mama buy me some clothes that wouldn’t hurt his eyes.”

She giggled. “Tell the truth now…did your mama buy your clothes?”

He shrugged. “I was still living at home at that point, and she did buy my clothes, but he didn’t have to be so rude about it.”

“What were you wearing?”

He sighed. “I was wearing Wranglers and a flannel shirt. But my mom kept getting creative with the flannel, and this one was purple with red. Truly hideous.”

She laughed. “Sorry. I want to meet this guy now.”

“Of course, you do. Not happening. Not anytime soon anyway.” He shook his head. “The man was my boss for ten years, and I remember very few truly kind things he ever said.”

“Why did you stay so long then?”

“Because I loved the work. I didn’t feel ready to go anywhere else. I was happy there.”

“Your mom didn’t want to come to the wedding?”

“She said she reserved the right to come sometime in the next six months, where she could get to know you, and see how we were really getting along. A wedding wouldn’t have allowed her to really get to know you.”

“That’s very true,” she said. “My family is the type that will plan to come see us whenever they can fit it in. So be prepared for that to happen as well.”

They got into his truck and drove to the Texas Roadhouse with the help of her phone’s navigation system. “They don’t look too horribly busy,” she said.
