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Stephanie nodded. “I appreciate the time you’ve given me.”

As soon as she ended the call, Alexis made more extensive notes. She didn’t want the people she interviewed later in the day to have an unfair advantage, simply because she wouldn’t remember Stephanie’s answers as well.

Between calls, she did a load of laundry, going into the room Kyle was using and grabbing his laundry as well. Thankfully, there was a laundry room just off the kitchen, so she wouldn’t have to run up and downstairs to keep the laundry done up.

There was enough for two loads, and she could have them done that day. She would have to sit down and actually look at the business end of things soon, but she wanted everything else in place first.

The first load was in the dryer when she sat down to interview the second person, who was Rebekah and located in Wyoming, which was much closer. She started the call, and it was obvious Rebekah was waiting for her. “Rebekah?” she asked.

The other woman nodded. “Yes.”

Rebekah looked to be in her late thirties. “It’s good to meet you,” Alexis said. “I’m Alexis, and I’m located in Boulder, Colorado. Would you be able to leave Wyoming and come here?”

Chapter Six

By the end of the day, it was clear that Alexis needed to hire Rebekah. The woman’s only child had just gone off to college, and she was ready to move on as well. She had a driver’s license, and she had agreed to all of the tasks Alexis had said would be hers.

When Alexis called just after five, she offered Rebekah the position, asking how soon she could start. “I’ve already packed everything up. I can drive your way tomorrow afternoon, if that’s not too soon. I’ve arranged for my home here to be an Airbnb, and the first guests will be here Friday.”

“Perfect timing then. Let me give you the address here…”

Supper was ready when Kyle walked in the door. She’d made a pork roast in the crockpot, complete with potatoes, onions, and carrots. She used the juices to make gravy for the potatoes, and popped some Pillsbury biscuits into the oven around ten minutes before she thought he’d be home.

As she got all the final touches together, she thought about how nice it would be once Rebekah arrived, and supper would no longer be her responsibility. She may even be able to talk Rebekah into making them suppers for her nights off. That would truly be wonderful.

Kyle got in shortly after six-thirty, and she put supper on the table immediately. “How was the first day?”

He walked into the kitchen and washed his hands. “Busy. Joe is actually teaching me this week, and next week he wants me to take over with him shadowing me. It’s going to be a long five weeks.”

“But did you like the work?”

“Of course, I did,” he said.

Alexis smiled. “Good. I was worried that I’d married a man who would hate that type of work.”

“It’s really not that much different from what I was doing, I just have to lead the others, which means I need to know what needs to be done each day, which I’m learning from Joe. He talks about your father all the time. He seems to think Alex knew everything in the world about ranching, and no one will ever be able to fill his cowboy boots.”

She smiled, nodding. “I got the same impression from him while we talked.”

“This operation is massive. I knew that in one part of my mind, but in another, I’m learning a lot myself. King Ranch in Texas is the largest cattle ranch in the US. We’re about half the size of King Ranch, but so much bigger than any I’ve been involved with. Joe said I’ll be able to call him to consult any time, so that’s going to help a lot too.”

She sat down across from him, nodding. “Sounds like there’s a lot to learn.”

“He did tell me that there were certain people who worked here that helped with the books. There’s a whole team of them, and they will be here when you need them. They work part-time on the books and part-time with the cattle. They’ll have a good knowledge of everything that needs to happen.”

“Ask Joe to have them come in on Friday, so I can pick their brains.” Alexis shook her head. “I feel like I’m lost at sea still.”

“I’m right there with you,” he said.

She squealed jumping up. “One of the kittens just attacked my foot.”

He chuckled. “That’s just part of having critters, I think.”

“I’m sure it is. Just scared me for a second.”

“How did your calls go with the housekeepers?” he asked.

“Really well. I could have been happy with any of the three, but I think the best fit for us is a former high school janitor from Wyoming. Her name is Rebekah, and she’s going to start driving in the morning. I expect her to be here by tomorrow evening from what she said.”
