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“Oh, that’s fabulous. Why her and not one of the others?”

“The first one couldn’t drive. I talked to Rebekah second, and she just seemed to fit. Then the third one was more of a nanny than a housekeeper, and though I do hope we’ll have children before too terribly long, I want the focus on the house and not children.”

“Makes sense. Now you won’t have to grocery shop,” he said with a grin.

“And I do hate grocery shopping,” she said. “At least for the first month, I’ll make up menus for every night, but after that, I hope she can pretty much wing it. Which means, I need a list of all your favorite foods and one of the things you absolutely will not eat. Then I can turn that into a monthly menu for Rebekah.”

“Sounds good to me,” he said. “I can do that after supper. When are you planning to make up your menu?”

“Probably tonight after supper,” she said. “Well, after dishes. I’ll get them done while you make your lists, and then I’ll work on the menu this evening.”

“I think that’s good. You’re not expecting her to work tomorrow, are you?”

Alexis shook her head. “No, she’ll probably not start til Wednesday or Thursday, so I’ll plan on keeping up with everything until then.” She took a sip of her water. “Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. I went into your room today to get your dirty clothes, and everything has been folded and placed on the foot of your bed.”

“Thank you for doing that. I figured I’d do my own laundry.”

“Not with the hours you’ll be putting in on the ranch. You put in a twelve-hour day today.”

“I had a thirty-minute lunch with the other men. There’s a cook that deals with meals for the men in the bunkhouses, and he makes a big meal at lunch time as well. It was good not to have to worry about coming home for something.”

“I didn’t even know there was a cook! I can’t wait to meet the people who do the books. I don’t even know if the men have been paid since Alex died.”

He smiled. “I did think of that and asked Joe. He said that they’ve all been paid on-time. Your father was never the one who dealt with payroll.”

“Thank God,” she said softly. “I’m just glad things are still running as smoothly as they can.”

Her phone rang then, and she frowned. “I feel like I need to answer it.”

“Go. You’re not hurting my feelings.”

Alexis stood and walked to the phone. “Hello?”



“This is Rebekah. I took a nap after we talked, and I’m going to go ahead and head down tonight. Is that a problem?”

“No, that makes me happy. I’ll make sure your room is ready for you. I’m sure you’ll get here after we’re asleep, but there’s a key under the turtle on the front porch. When you get in, you’ll walk through the living room and then the kitchen. There’s a set of stairs off the kitchen. Go up, and choose whichever room suits you best. I truly don’t care which one you choose.”

“That sounds easy enough. I’ll meet you tomorrow then.”

“Sounds perfect. Thanks for letting me know.”

Kyle gave Alexis a confused look. “Is she coming later than she thought?”

Alexis shook her head. “She’s leaving now. She’ll get in while we’re asleep tonight, and then we can talk through everything tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s great. One day earlier is not something you could complain about in any way.”

“I agree.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “Everything seems to finally be falling into place.”

“You look tense.”

She nodded. “I’ve just had a lot on my shoulders since I got the call Alex died. I was shocked to find out what he’d left me.”

“I’ll rub your shoulders after making my list.”
