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Alexis worked on the menu for a while and when she had a full month’s worth of meals, she gave it to Rebekah. “I’ve only done suppers. Kyle will eat most lunches with the men, and we’re both wide open on what we’ll eat for breakfast.”

“I’ll handle breakfast then,” Rebekah said. “Is this the only refrigerator?”

Alexis shrugged. “There’s a basement I haven’t been in yet, and I have yet to wander out into the garage.” She rubbed her hands over her face. “Three weeks ago, I received a call telling me my father was dead. It turns out that the father I’ve always known adopted me when I was a year old, and this house and ranch belonged to my biological father. He left everything to me.”

“No wonder you don’t know everything. You go check the garage, and I’ll check the basement.”

“Sounds good.” Alexis found the door leading to the garage after looking for a bit, and she went out. There were both a refrigerator and a deep freeze out there. The freezer was stocked with frozen meals, all straight from the frozen food aisle. There were a couple of bags that were labeled chili that she was going to try when she had a moment.

Going back into the house, she saw Rebekah standing there. “There’s a refrigerator and a deep freezer in the garage.”

Rebekah nodded. “There are commercial laundry machines downstairs, but no refrigeration. I guess those were used for washing bedding. I don’t know how long it’s been since bedding has been washed, so I’m going to do the whole house this week.”

“And you found a room to your liking?”

“Yes, I chose the first one I found, but it’s a nice room. Full bath attached, and a flat screen tv mounted on one wall. I see that as something that will keep me happy for a very long time.”

“Remind me to write the wi-fi password down for you later.”

Rebekah nodded. “I’ll need it. I’m addicted to all those silly games you can play on your phone.”

“What else do I need to do to help you settle in before we get down to work?”

“Nothing that I can think of.”

Alexis nodded. “Good. Basically, what I want from you are two meals a day. The outside freezer is filled with frozen meals that I’ll nuke for myself for lunches. Keep everything up around the house. If we need to hire someone to come in and fix the plumbing or anything like that, I’ll call someone, but you have to let me know when I need to. Since Kyle and I just moved here, we won’t be having parties or anything. It’s just keeping up with the house, and with only two of us to clean up after, it should be easy work.”

“If I have time during my workday, is it all right if I get on my laptop?”

“Oh, absolutely. More games?”

Rebekah laughed. “Actually, I’m fulfilling a lifetime goal and writing a book. It’s my first, and I’m sure it will be utter trash, but I promised myself, and I’m doing it.”

“I think that’s great!” Alexis said. “I always wanted to be a writer, but I don’t have the talent, so I just read what other people write.”

“I don’t think I have the talent either. I guess we won’t know until it’s done.” Rebekah glanced down at the menu for the month. “There are a few things on here that I may need recipes for.”

“That’s fine,” Alexis said. “I used a lot of crockpot recipes, but you can do them however you want. Just know upfront that Kyle and I both despise pickles, and we’d rather not have it as part of our meals.”

“Not even in potato salad?”

“Especially not in potato salad,” Alexis said with a smile.

“All right.”

“Now, I’m going to make a list of everything we need from Walmart, and you and I can go in for the grocery pickup together. I may even take you out to eat at the Tex-Mex place I found. I was born and raised in Texas, and I already miss Tex-Mex so much!”

“Then we’ll go. It’ll help me understand how you like your meals better anyway.”

“What school is your son going to?” Alexis asked as she started writing down groceries they needed to buy based on the list she’d made.

“Harvard,” Rebekah said, and Alexis could see the true pride on her face.

“Oh, that’s wonderful!”

“He got a full ride. It’s crazy to me to think that my baby is going to a school as prestigious as Harvard, and I don’t have to pay a dime. Even his books are covered, and that’s almost unheard of.”

“You must be really proud of him.”
