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“Good mother.”

“I think it’s different when you have a son,” Alexis said. “You don’t expect him to find new ways to do things, and you want his wife to do things the way you always did.”

“Whatever the reason, I didn’t like it,” Kyle said. “We should have stuck with the menu you spent so much time preparing.”

“Tomorrow, I’ll tell them we’re going to the Tex-Mex place. Then they can stay and cook for each other or eat what we want to eat.”

Kyle smiled, nodding. “I love that little Tex-Mex place as much as you do.”

When they went to bed that night, they were in good moods, despite the fact that he hadn’t enjoyed supper. “I’m glad I finally got to meet your mother, but I hope she doesn’t visit terribly often,” Alexis said. “For you, and not for me. I’ve gotten along with her just fine.”

He sighed. “I hope she doesn’t visit terribly often either. She seems to really want to change everything around her whenever she visits me. I should have warned you.”

“It’s fine by me,” she said, snuggling close to him. “I am sorry you didn’t like supper though.”

“Me too. It just wasn’t my thing.”

She kissed him, and he was soon distracted, thinking of nothing but her. They made love, and snuggled together when it was over. “I want to invite my family for Christmas,” she said, after they’d laid there in silence for a while.

He nodded. “Probably best to talk to me about it next week when my mom isn’t here, but I’m good with it. I think.”

She laughed. “I thought maybe when you felt really good would be a good time to discuss it with you.”

“And you did pick that time perfectly.” He kissed her nose, and she giggled. “Call them and ask them to come. I think having them here for the holidays would be very nice. Just don’t invite my mother. You’ll end up with a Christmas bush instead of a Christmas tree, and nothing will ever be the same.”

She shook her head. “She can’t be that bad.”

“I’m just not doing it,” he said. “Your family is fine.”

“And you’re okay with your mother spending Christmas alone?”

He groaned. “I don’t want to think about that. Don’t play the guilt card on me.”

“I’m sure my mom, my sister, and I can keep her from changing things we don’t want changed. I just hate the idea of anyone being alone on Christmas.”

He sighed. “I guess I do too. I’ll invite her, but I don’t have to like it.”

“No, you don’t have to like it. But you have to like my family, okay?”

He grunted, obviously annoyed that she’d talked him into inviting his mother for Christmas. She kissed him and ran the tip of one finger down his chest. “I think we should stop thinking about Christmas and think about the here and now,” she said softly.

“Already forgotten.”

Chapter Nine

By the end of November, Alexis realized she was pregnant, which was both good and bad in her mind. She wanted children with everything inside her, but she wasn’t quite certain that she and Kyle were ready for them. They’d only been married for a few months, and she hadn’t even told him she loved him yet.

As she was driving home from the doctor who had confirmed her pregnancy, she called her mother. “Mom, you can’t tell anyone until I tell you that it’s okay. Promise?”

Her mother squealed. “You’re pregnant!”

“You were supposed to let me tell you!” Alexis said, shaking her head. “I’m so excited, and I just had to tell someone. I’m trying to think of the right way to tell Kyle.”

Her mother laughed. “Just tell him! He’s going to be thrilled.”

“I don’t know that we’ve known one another long enough to have a baby, but we are having a baby…I may keep this to myself for a bit.”

“I think you should tell him now.”
